Final Battle Part 2

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A minute passed after Groot left and I turned to Rocket before saying,

"Let's go make sure the others don't get themselves killed."

"Agreed." We went to the entrance of the hole and he activated his Aero Rig while I summoned my hover platform to get to the others who were on the ground.

"Where's Quill?" I asked before several blasts caught my attention and I saw that the Sovereign crafts surrounded the ship Yondu and Nebula were on and started blasting away at it.

"No!" I jumped on my platform and started flying toward the ship right before it started to destroy the crafts with several lasers, but right after it exploded and the shockwave blew me back, sending my platform spinning out of control.

"I'm gonna-hlp!" I held a hand over my mouth as I felt like I was about to hurl before I noticed the marks on my arm start to glow and the orbs making up the platform start to glow as well before straightening out and landing me to the ground where the others were.

"I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!"

I looked up after hearing Yondu yell and saw that he and Quill managed to survive the ship exploding and were floating their way back down to the ground.

We all gathered around, sparks flying in the background and looked around at all the destruction before a piece of rubble hit Mantis and Drax shouted too late,

"Mantis, look out!"

"A little late for that!" I rolled my eyes before the lines in the ground started glowing again, "I'm getting tired of saying this but... Crap..."

"She's just unconscious." Drax picked Mantis up from the ground before Quill asked,

"How long before the bomb goes off?"

"In the unlikely event-"

"Very unlikely." I interrupted Rocket.

"-Groot doesn't kill us all, about six minutes."

"Kraglin. We need the Quadrant for extraction in T-minus five minutes." Yondu comm'ed to Kraglin.

"Someone needs to be up top when Kraglin arrives. Drax, take Mantis." Quill gave Drax his Aero Rig and slapped it onto Drax's back to send him up just as he yelled,

"Ahhh! My nipples!"

I snorted right before the ground around us started to crack apart from all the shaking that was happening, sending Gamora right through.

"Gamora!" Quill shouted and I looked to Nebula and gave her a determined nod that she returned before she jumped off the ledge after her while the rest of us were faced with a bunch of glowy tentacles rising from the ground.

"Let's get to it..." I muttered before making my platform rise to the air as Quill started to blast the tentacles apart, Yondu used his arrow to slice them apart, and Rocket used his mini bombs before activating his bubble shield, leaving him untouched as the bombs went off, destroying a couple of them.

I was leading a couple of tentacles away from Yondu when one caught me off guard and I ended up grabbing it with both hands to keep it from swatting me while using my platform's propulsion to fight against it. All of a sudden, my brain felt like it was being probed by a sharp tool and I felt... scared... lost... and angry...?

After letting go, I clutched my chest, feeling like I had just been drained of most of my energy and I was seeing blue blobs completely covering whole planets, Ego's plan I realized from information I now know that I didn't have a few seconds ago. I was snapped out of it when I heard several yells and I looked down to see that Yondu was pinned down to the ground, his arrow lying broken beside him, Rocket was being coiled up and trapped in the air, and Quill was lying on the ground.

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