New Plan

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"You call that 'figured it out'? We're gonna rob the guys who just beat us senseless." Rocket yelled at Peter as we all sat in a circle on board the Ravager ship.

"You want to talk about senseless? How about trying to save us by blowing us up?" Peter yelled back at Rocket.

"We were only gonna blow you up if they didn't turn you over!"

"And how on earth were they gonna turn us over when you only gave them a count of five?"

"Hey, don't look at me, I tried to stop this idiot before he 'blasted you all a big one'." I broke into their argument to tell Peter before Rocket butted in,

"We didn't have time to work out the minutiae of the plan. This is what we get for acting altruistically."

"I am Groot."

"They are ungrateful."

"What's important now is that we get the Ravagers' army to help us save Xandar." Gamora interjected before Rocket argued,

"So we can give the Stone to Yondu who's just gonna sell to somebody even worse?"

"We'll figure that part out later." Peter assured him,

"We have to stop Ronan."


"I have a plan." Peter announced determinedly.

"You've got a plan?" Rocket asked with doubt clear in his voice.


"I'm shocked." I exaggerated sarcastically, making everyone look at me with half-lidded gazes.

"First of all, you're copying me from when I said I had a plan."

"No, I'm not. People say that all the time. It's not that unique of a thing to say."

"Secondly, I don't even believe you have a plan."

"I have part of a plan!"

"What percentage of a plan do you have?"

"You don't get to ask questions after the nonsense you pulled on Knowhere."

"I just saved Quill."

"We've already established that you destroying the ship that I'm on is not saving me."

"When did we establish it?"

"Like three seconds ago!"

"I wasn't listening. I was thinking of something else."

"Nope, she's right. You don't get an opinion."

"What percentage?"

"I don't know. Twelve percent."

"Twelve percent HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Rocket started to "laugh" hysterically, but even I could tell it was fake.

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