(Almost) Taken Back

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AN- This 2-part short story happens after the first movie, but before the second.

3rd Person POV

The new Guardians of the Galaxy had just finished saving the galaxy from Ronan the Accuser and turned the Infinity Stone in to Nova Prime, who had put it in a high-security vault in Nova Corp. They then settled on doing 'a bit of both' by going to a bar on Knowhere.

When they arrived, Peter, Rocket, and Drax automatically ordered several rounds of alcoholic beverages, laughing about the countless times they thought they were going to die and tried to give the growing Baby Groot a drink, but were stopped each time they tried.

Meanwhile, Gamora drained down a drink before she stopped and noticed that JJ was standing off to the side blankly staring off with a concerned look on her face.

"You alright?" Gamora asked as she walked up to her with a drink in hand and offered it to her, but she shook her head.

"Keeping my senses sharp in case someone tries to start somethin'." JJ replied.

"Then why do you look so lost?" JJ hesitated before answering,

"I'm just thinking about how it was before Rocket, Groot, and I met you guys." She replied nodding her head over to the guys.


"When it was just the three of us, they always hid me or covered for me every time I would go and help them since the Oajins have been trying to track me down for a couple of years now."


"The beings who had trained and experimented on me in the lab and who's leader, Kryjer, still wants to use me as a weapon against his enemies." JJ responded before continuing,

"Now that it's been announced that we're the 'Guardians of the Galaxy', they will have no trouble in finding me and..." She trailed off thinking about what would happen if she were turned into an actual weapon.

"I thought you weren't afraid of anything?" Gamora asked with a slight smirk.

"Well, now my only fear is losing my new family... like my old one." JJ admitted with such ease, that it surprised Gamora, even with the whispered last part.

"Being a part of this team may make it easier to find you, but it also makes it harder to get to you since you have all of us here to have your back, so you shouldn't worry too much about it." Gamora told JJ before she went back over to the guys to refill her drink as JJ considered her words.

I guess there is some truth to that I'm harder to get to, but I don't want them to be in danger because of me... She thought to herself just as three thugs came into the bar and started shoving people around and breaking things. JJ looked over to her team and saw that Gamora was busy trying to keep Quill, Drax, and Rocket from fighting each other and others, so she figured it was up to her.

"Hey!" She yelled at them and when they turned their attention to her as she threatened, "You better take your issues elsewhere cause no one here wants any trouble." Making the thugs roar with laughter.

"The little girl from the 'A-holes of the Galaxy' thinks she can be a hero!" The biggest guy walked up to JJ, roughly grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, and held her up at arm's length as she tried to fight back.

JJ grasped the arm that was holding her up and tried to send a shock through it, but it failed and she continued to struggle in his hold.

"Put. Her. Down. and Get Out!" The thug turned around to see the other guardians behind him and Rocket was the one who spoke while holding a large gun, aiming it at the guy holding JJ.

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