Sovereign A-Holes

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Short AN- A little heads up before Vol. 2 begins, as you can probably tell by the chapter title, since there's more cursing in the second movie and during notable lines, I'm only going to be lightening up on the cursing and using asterisks every so often so tread lightly. Now onto Vol. 2!


"Alright we're here!" Peter announced through the speakers after I changed into my new outfit; a blue shirt dress with my black leggings underneath, a belt similar to Rocket's worn over it, silver knee pads that channeled some of my electrical energy, and my clunky goggles had been replaced with light blue goggle-like frames, and my old gloves had been replaced with bright yellow ones that looked the same, but didn't have the conveyors inside since I felt like I'm in control of my powers more.

"Come on kid let's go!" I heard Rocket's voice from right outside my room.

"I'm goin'!" I yelled back as I pulled on my new boots, my knee-length ones had been replaced with silver and gray ankle boots. Rocket helped me design them to send out smaller versions of my orb bombs, but instead of explosions, the orbs would connect to each other to create an electric energy barrier and were controlled via a neural link in my goggles, just like the ones the Nova Corp used with their Star Blaster ships to be used as a hover platform or even a shield.

After stepping outside my room and up to the bridge where the Sovereign homeworld was coming into view, I was met with,

"What's with the new look?"

"What? I can't change up my look?"

"No, we're just wondering why you'd want to?" Peter explained.

"I think she looks nice." We all turned our attention to Gora as she walked in from Rocket's workshop where he had created a small device that attached to her forehead and let her speak to us without having to use one of her spines.

"We're entering the Sovereign homeworld." Gamora informed us as we started to enter the planet's atmosphere.

"Good, the sooner we complete this mission, the sooner we can get out of here." Gora grimaced before leaping up onto the seat to clean her paws.

"Hey why are you so on edge about this place?" Quill asked and Gora answered,

"Because the Sovereign are a perfectionist race, obsessed with having everything and everyone on their planet exactly the same, a concept that was frowned upon on Chrysinthea. As such, the Sovereign viewed our planet and its people as a virus."

"To Hell with what they think. Let's just get this over with so we can collect our payment." Rocket interjected rudely as he finished cleaning off the dust on the gun he had chosen to use for this mission.

Short Time Skip

After landing the Milano, we all got out by the place where the batteries we were supposed to be protecting were stored. I was making some last-minute adjustments to my boots' orb distribution system when Gamora came up to me with Gora by her side.

"Are you sure you're up for this mission? We wouldn't judge if you want to stay aboard the ship." Gamora questioned with some sympathy.

"I don't care what they think, I know who and what I am." I cut in quickly trying to leave no room for an argument, but Gora assured me,

"If at any time they attempt to bring harm to you, I will protect you until the bitter end."

"No need to get all noble on me Gora, I can handle myself."

"I am your guardian, I failed my duty once... I will not fail again..." Gora looked sad before shaking it off and walking away.

Shaking my own head, I got back to making the modifications of my boots when a couple of the orbs got spit out and Gamora helped me get them back.

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