The Final Battle Part 1

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As we walked through the ship to get to the launch bay that would get us to the dropship that would take us to Ego's surface, I saw Gora trying to get on so I held out a hand right as Rocket told her,

"You're not goin' anywhere"

"I have to!" She tried to argue but I told her,

"You're still weak, you need to rest."

"What if you...?" She looked down and I could tell from her expression what she was about to say so I kneeled down to her level before assuring her,

"You're not gonna lose me, it'll take more than a pissed off planet to take me out. Plus someone needs to keep an eye on Groot."

Gora looked down at the little being who was standing around idly staring at the ship before she looked back up at me and gave a nod to go ahead so we continued to walk toward the dropship.

"Rocket?!" Gamora's voice finally came through the communicator.

"Keep that transmitter nearby so I can find you. We're in an old piece of construction equipment Yondu once used to slice open the Bank of A'askavaria." Rocket told her through the comm as they climbed the ladder into the ship.

"Ego's unhinged."

"I know. Get ready."

"Drop it, Kraglin!" Yondu ordered and the ship was released and was being piloted to the planet when I felt something rustling around in one of the pouches on my belt and I looked down to see Groot smiling up at me.

"Groot!" I yelled catching Rocket's attention as I scolded him,

"We told you to stay with Gora!"

"I am Groot!"

"Whaddya mean you want to kick some a-"

"Hey he needs to watch his language!" Rocket reminded me and I rolled my eyes before telling Groot,

"OK fine! Just stay close to one of us." Before I handed him to Rocket as I made my way over to a console.

"Let's see if we can speed this up." I readied my hands against it.

"What're you doin'?!"

"I took some before, time to give it back" I answered as the marks on my arm glowed and sent a stream of energy through my arms into the console, sending the ship blasting forward down into the planet's atmosphere right toward a fancy looking building that Yondu steered us straight for. We all braced as he drove the ship right through the window and in a split second I saw Ego holding Quill on the end of some freaky glowing tentacle before Yondu yelled,

"Hey there, Jackass!" Smashing Ego underneath the ship before the side door opened to let the others, including Nebula, in and Groot waved to them.

"Out of the way, dumber, smaller Groot." Drax told Groot, making him mad, to where he started punching his arm in annoyance.

"What are you doing? You could have killed us all." Drax questioned accusingly.

"Uh, 'Thank you, Rocket'?" Rocket snarked back as I added,

"Yeah ingrate..."

"We had it under control." Drax protested but Mantis disagreed,

"We did not. That is only an extension of his true self. He will be back soon."

"What's Smurfette doing here!?" Quill questioned seeing Nebula on board as she answered sarcastically,

"Whatever I need to do to get a damn ride home."

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