Ravager Ambush

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"It's not ripe." I took the bowl of fruit out of Nebula's reach after she tried to reach for them again as I gathered some tools from around the workshop.

After that I headed back up to the cockpit where I started to help Rocket with repairs to the ship.

"OK, I managed to get the ship's navigation system back online." I reported after a little while to Rocket as he was working on the steering system.

"Alright, we just need to fix the ship's thruster and build a whole new wing and then we can get off this planet."

"Thank the Orinix..." Gora spoke up from where she was sitting and Groot was burying himself in her bushy tail.

"The what?" Rocket arched a furry brow in question before he remembered, "Oh yeah, the big glowy power source of your old planet."

"It is much more than that, but in short yes the 'b-b-big-g-g g-g-g-looooooowyyyyyyy '." Gora shook her head and pawed at the device resting on her forehead that translated her thoughts into speech as it started to malfunction.

"Oh greeeaat..." Rocket leaped off the console to get the device off as it started to spark up in his paws so he tossed it to me and I caught it with one hand. Closing my hand to form a fist around the device, smoke started to leak through my fingers so I opened my fist back up to show that the power had been drained out of it to stop any more damage being done to the device.

"Power's been drained, should be safe to fix now." I tossed it back to Rocket as he started to open it up to see what was wrong with it.

"Keep the console stabilized while I fix this thing."

"On it." I walked over to the open panel with wires waiting to be plugged into their positions when I felt a burning pain in my head and I seized my head with both hands as they sparked up, giving a shout when the pain doubled and through a bright light I was seeing, I could see the panel and wires in front of me sparking up.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I could hear Rocket's voice somewhere behind me but when I turned to look at him I only saw red outlines in the shape of Rocket and Gora next to him.

Suddenly, I felt angry and defensive as a snarl ripped its way out of my mouth and I pounced toward them. Luckily, Gora managed to keep me hanging in the air with her spines before the headache went away and I was left dangling in the air as I rubbed my forehead tiredly and spat out something in my mouth that landed on the metal ground with a loud sizzle and glowed a bright blue.

"W-what happened?" I asked as I was let down to the ground with Rocket and Gora looking at me with concern and Groot looked scared.

"You goin' all zap crazy and almost roasting us alive is what happened." Rocket snarked, but I could tell he was just hiding the fact that he was freaked out.

"Gora?" I turned to her as she held out a spine and I took it to hear what she had to say,

I still don't understand how you can be experiencing it so young... She thought and was looking away as I listened and Rocket grabbed the spine linking us to listen in.

"Experiencing what?" He demanded to know.

"Like Terrans, all adolescent Chrysintheans undergo a transformation of sorts where they will be able to tap into their core abilities with more ease and gain their marks."

"English please." Rocket gave Gora a bored, half-lidded gaze before I thought out loud,

"I'll get new powers and... marks?"

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