Steve x Tony (Stony)

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It's December, more specific, December 11th, and today, Tony and Steve celebrate their anniversary of 1 year of dating. So, Tony planned something special but at the same time simple, 'cause Steve liked things simple and Tony appreciated that 'cause he has less work to do but more thinking to do. Sincerely, Tony just had the idea of what he could do when he woke up and looked at the window, that was right in front of him, and it was snowing. Luckily, Steve was still sleeping behind him. Tony turned around and kissed Steve in the cheek.

"Morning babe." Tony said sleeply while Steve woke up slowly.

"Morning handsome." Reply Steve. "Hmmmmm this is so good."

"Agree, but we have to get up 'cause I have something planned for us to do in our anniversary." Said Tony, excited for what he planned in a minute.

"Can we just be in here, insted of going out?" Steve asked with his eyes closed. 'He looks so cute!' thought Tony.

"But we're not going out sweetie. Now, c'mon, and dress clothes very warm" Tony said, trying to drag Steve out of bed, but of course he couldn't.

Eventually, Steve got up and showered, then he went to the kitchen to find Tony all dressed up with warm clothes, a scarf and a beanie.

"Ready?" Tony asked excited.

"Yeah?" Steve said, chuckling at Tony's excitement. "But what are we going to do?"

"We're going to play on the snow! I already prepared everything, on each side of the backyard we have a fort, one for me and one for you, to have a snow fight." Tony said as they went outside, Tony to the left and Steve to the right. "Your going DOWN Cap!"

"Oh no, no! YOU are going DOWN, not me!" Steve said back and then, they started the fight. They fighted and fighted, until Tony got 'hurt'.


"TONY! Are you okay?" Steve asked worried. Tony was on the snow, curled up in a ball, but then he stretched and put a hand full of snow on Steve's face.

"HA! Gotta ya!" Tony said laughing so hard at Steve's face.

"I thought you were hurt!"

"Calm down babe, I'm okay, it was just a little, kind of prank."


"C'mon, let's go inside and make hot chocolate."

"Okay." Steve's mood suddenly changed from a little mad to happy, like a child, at the metion of hot chocolate and that made Tony chuckle.

While making the hot chocolate, the two of them had a food fight in the kitchen, so basically the kitchen and the both of them end up a mess. They clean up everything and then sat at the window, admiring the view of the snow falling from the sky, while drinking their chocolate.

They finished their drinks and went to the sofa to watch a marathon of movies, cuddle under a blanket in each others arms and eat popcorn. In the middle of the second movie, Tony fell asleep in Steve's chest and Steve just admired his boyfriend's peacefull face.

"How did I get so lucky to the point that I can have you just for myself, huh?" He whispered, turning off the movie and the TV and cuddling even more Tony while falling asleep himself. "Happy one year anniversary baby..."

This one is a bit short, but I enjoyed writing it. I wanted to do some Stony fluff so here you have. Hope you like it. Have a good day/night!🥰

- GetLost_Squidward

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