Thor x Reader

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It's that time of the year where the streets are busy, the stores are full of people, it's freezing outside and you don't want to get out of the comfort of your house but at the same time, you want. Today in particular, I didn't have a clue what to do, so I decided to ask the only guy that is in the living room with me- WAIT, where are the others? This is not normal, but okay, back to what was I saying- that so happens to be my dear boyfriend.

"Hey Babe?" I asked looking at the beautiful god that's reading a book.

"..." He didn't respond.

"Hey Babe?" I asked again, approaching him.

"..." He didn't respond again. Damn he's concentrated in that book.

"Thooor?" I asked for the third time, this time putting my face right behind his book so I'm looking at him.

"What is it, my darling?" He asked sweetly, looking at me with that pretty face. 

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Hmmm... I don't know. I think I'm just gonna read this book of yours. It is very interesting indeed, as you told me." He said with his thinking face and then going back to the book.

"Oh ok... I'm just going to try and find the others." I told him, while getting up from where I was and getting a nod in response from him. I was walking to the elevator when I began to think 'Thor and I could do something romantic. But what?'. The elevetor had arrived and I was already in it, ready to go find the others and think of things for me and Thor to do, when suddently, the elevator starts closing the doors and I have an ideia, so, I go quickly between the doors and scream. "THOOOOOOOR! I KNOW WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO TODAY!!!"

"What, my darling?" Thor asked, looking at me with curiosity in his eyes.

"Get dressed and follow me, it's a suprise!" I kinda of screamed while running to our bedroom.

We got dressed in very warm clothes and told the others that we were going out before actually going out. First, we went to a small cafe to get a hot chocolate, to get more warm, and some candy too, cause we need candy, and payed with Tony's credit card. Then we went out and walked a bit, hand in hand, seeing the beautiful things, like the snow falling, and the kids happly playing with it.

"Lady Y/n, what are we going to do? And where is it?" The Prince beside me asked.

"I told you, sweetheart, it's a suprise." I said to him, with a warm smile. We kept walking for a bit, until I saw what I was looking for, the lake, that in this time of the year is ice, and it's secure to do ice skating in it.

"We're here!" I told him while pointing to the lake.

"What are we going to do here?" Thor asked confused.

"We are going to ice skating!" I said excited, pointing to the many people that were here skating.

"Ohhhh! But! I don't know how to ice skating..." He said, sadness all over in him because he tought he was ruining the fun.

"It's okay baby. I'll teach you." I said to him while pulling him to the tent selling skates. "Good afternoon, how much is it to rent two pair of skates?"

"You're actually lucky, 'cause today it's free." The woman behind the tent said with a smile.

"Ohhhh! We're so lucky!" I exclaimed. We said the number of our feet and went to a bench near by to seat on and start taking of our shoes to put on the skates.

"Okay Thor, you ready?" I asked him with the biggest smile on earth, cause I really, really love ice skating, since I was little, my dad and I used to come ice skating, praticaly, everyday, so it's like relaxing and remember the good old days.

"I'm not really confident about this, lady Y/n-AHAHAHHAH!" While he was saying that, he tried to get up, but end up falling to the ground. And I just laughed at him. And he gave me a look that I just wanted to laugh more at, but I remained calm, and probably with a face like this ";-;". "This isn't funny, lady Y/n."

"Okay, okay. Come on. Get up, big guy." I said, trying to help him get up, by putting an arm out, but end up being pulled down by Thor and landing on top of him. Now was his turn to laugh and my turn to give him a look. "Thoooorrrr! Come on! I wanna go skating! Get up!"

"Okay, my darling." I was already up, in front of him, and he first went to his pocket to grab something, and then he tried for a couple of times to get up, but stayed in one knee, and took a deep breath. "Y/n, this morning I was thinking when should I do this and how, and then you decided to come here and I know you would take me to a beautiful place, so I took the chance and I just want you to know that I never found a woman as amazing as you and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side, so, Y/n Y/l/n, will you do me the honor and be my princess, my love, my soulmate and everything else?" He opened his hand and there was a little velvet box with a ring inside of it. I was tearing up by now cause I didn't believe that this was actually happen.

"Yes yes yes yes YES YES YES YES!!!!!" I screamed and then hugged him tightly, while falling to the ground, and showering him with kisses. I heard a couple of applauses around us, but then I heard a couple of familiar voices screaming 'You go Thor!' and 'That's my boy!' and other things. I turned around I saw the rest of the Avengers.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, still excited about the proposal. "Did you tell them?"

"No. How did you guys find out about this?" Thor asked confused but excited as well.

"I saw you put the little box inside of your pocket this morning and decided to tell the others-" Clint said but was interrupted by Tony.

"So we decided to follow you to see it happen." Tony said with a smirk.

"Of course you did..." I said shaking my head but smiling. "Okay we were planning on ice skating and since you guys are here you can come, so go grab the shoes and come!"

"Okay!" They all said.

After that, we stayed the rest of the afternoon skating and having fun.

HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!!!! I know I haven't posted a One Shot in almost a month but I finaly did! You probably don't care about this but, my dog is pregnant! But yeah, I hope you had a excellent Christmas and New Year! Good day/night!🥰 :)

- GetLost_Squidward

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