Peter and Shuri just irritating everyone

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In the end you have all the vines that I write in here

"ToW bRoSsSsSsSs ChIlLiNg In A hOt TuB fIvE fEeT aPaRt CaUsE tHeY'rE nOt GaY!!!!" Peter and Shuri yelled as they entered the living room of the tower, where all the avengers were.

"ShUt Up!!!!!!!!!! OR I SWEAR TO GOD THAT I WILL KILL YOU!!!!" Tony yelled, covering his ears.

"Don't tell your mother..." Shuri started.

"Kiss one another..." Peter continued.

"DIE FOR EACH OTHER!!!!" Peter and Shuri yelled.

"That's it! Suit up guys! We are gonna lock them down on their room!" Steve said.

"RUN! DUN DUN DUN DUN!" They both screamed.

After a while of chasing the two vine quoters, the avengers caught them and locked them down, but in the same room, that was a mistake. Steve approach them and sat down on the chair in front of them.

"So.... You won't stop?" He said in his captain voice and Eyebrows of Disappointment™.

"So... you got detention?" Peter imitated Steve's captain voice. (It's not a vine but come on, you know what it is)

"I give up." Steve walked away and left them both on their own. Ten minutes passed and Bucky walked in.


"Oh hi, thanks for checking in, I'm StIlL a PiEcI oF gArBaGeEeEeEe!!" Shuri sang.

"Nope." And Bucky walked out. Next came T'Challa with his crocks. woops-

"WHAT ARE THOSEEEEE?!?!?!?!?!" Shuri exclaimed, Peter wasn't going to do that to the king. And the said king walked out. Next victim, Natasha.

"You are going to stop! NOW!"

"When there's to much drama in school..." Peter said.

"All you gotta do is..." Shuri continued.

"Walk AwAyYyYYyYYYyyYYyyyyY!" They exclaimed. Not even the powerful Natasha Romanoff can stop them. Victim nº 4. Sam.

"Can I get a waffle?.... CAN I PLEASE GET A WAFFLE?" They both said in sinc. "yassss." Sam already left (the chat). They give up so easily. Victim nº 5. Clint, and his elbown is broken. Just PERFECT!

"You know what, I'm about to say it. I don't care that you broke your elbown."

"Fuck you both." And walked out. (I'm basically just quotting vines.... noice) Steve walked in again and didn't say anything so Peter toke the chance.

"Welcome to Bible Study. We're all children of Jesus... Kumbaya my looordd." And Steve walked out. Jeez.

"So I'm sitting there... BBQ sauce on my titis." Peter said.

"Nooo, don't waste vines while they aren't here, dumbass." Shuri said. For a couple of hours they just sat there, listening to vines and laugh their asses off, since they couldn't get out they couldn't go to the lab do the usual stuff. Then HE came in. Loki, the one that understands them. He walked in and sat down on the chair still in front of them.

"They sent me here. I'm gonna tell what's going on there. Tony's on the lab doing something I can't see, because he made something that mekes it impossible to me to see with my magic, Bruce is in the other side of the tower cause he doesn't wanna hulk out, and the rest is either chilling in the common room or training." They nooded, Loki has been helping the two children with the vines. "I've got a plan, tonight when everybody is asleep, we're gonna do the vine 'I didn't get no sleep cause of yall remix'. I have already everything planned. So prepare."

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