An unexpected tour group

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This is a long one, sorry not sorry.

(this is a peter's pov (it will change at some point to Ned but then it's gonna get back to Peter) only, Y/n doesn't exist in this one, sorry)(Also, Peter is Tony's biological son. His mom died giving birth to him)(And after Peter got his spidey powers he suffered a BAD accident in a mission that made him have an arc reactor in his chest like his father. No one knew about that except his family and friends, he wore bandages to school so no one could see the light, but when he was at home he didn't wear them)

Today was the day that I was waiting for. Today's thursday, just so you know. This week has been bad, I got stabbed one hundred of times, not literally obviously, got shot too, Flash as been on fire, but today I'm going to this amazing field trip and nothing can stop me. I woke up at the usual time, 7:00 am, we needed to be at school by 8:30 am so we could leave. I got up and headed to the door to go to the kitchen but then my tummy filped and I had the urge to throw up, so I run to the bathroom and kneeled down in front of the toilet.

"JARVIS... *throws up* Call dad... *throws up more*" In a second, dad came running throught the door and kneeled down beside me.

"Oh bambino..." He said rubbing circles in my back while I throw the food that I ate yesterday out of my sistem. "It must have been something you ate... JARVIS, run a scan throught him to see what's wrong." I finally stopped, so I went to wash my mouth in the sink.

"Peter seems to had ate yesterday's dinner to fast and too much and his stomach couldn't digest everything, even with his fast metabolism." JARVIS spoke after scanning me.

"You see, kid? This is what happens when you don't listen to me for you to eat slower. I'm calling your school to let them know you're not attending the school trip. Instead, you're going to deal with me in the lab all day." Dad smirked, knowing I wouldn't protest.

"You know, I was going to protest about not going, but now I get to spend the day with you in the lab." I shrugged and put on a goofy smile then dad got up and went to make the phone call.

I went to my closet and put on the tank top and sweat pants that I use to work on the lab, and because of that they are all covered in grease, oil, holes and chemicals, and head out of my room to the kitchen. Everyone is here, except for Uncle Thor and Uncle Loki because they are off world, and they are either eating or just talking. I'm smelling soup? Are they making soup?

"Hey guys, are you making soup?" I asked and some of them looked at me and shrugged.

"Yeah we are. Tony said that you're sick to your tummy and to make chicken soup, so I'm making it." Uncle Steve told me with a warm smile. I sat down between Auntie Tasha and Uncle Bucky. "Where's Tony, by the way?"

"His here." Dad said as he walked in the kitchen. "Your school is really weird, kid. I told them that you weren't coming to the field trip today because you're sick to your tummy and they answered like this, and I quote, 'Of course he is, he must have found out and made that up so his lies weren't discovered.', like what the fuck is that supossed to mean??" Dad exclaimed while imitating the person that was on the phone. Everyone, including me, shrugged, having no idea of what that must be. Uncle Steve said 'Language' after what dad said. "English."

"Really Tony. The soup's ready!" Uncle Steve said and handed me the soup and I said 'thank you'. After I ate and chatted a bit with the others for a bit, dad and I headed down to the lab. I was so excited for today that even my arc reactor brightened more.

You're probably wondering 'Why are you so excited to be with your dad in the lab like any other day?', well dear reader, to answer your question, I'm excited because you don't know what's gonna happen and it's always a lot of fun, we have fights, destroy random things, build whatever comes to our minds, once we built a toaster out of knives and then sprayed it with hot pink, we make fun of the others too, principaly Uncle Steve with 'LaNgUaGe', and last but not least we put music on, on the max, and start to sing our lungs off, when we do that it's mostly AC/DC, and then we start to jump around like crazy  and play air guitar and air drums on top of the (world :)) tables, now that I'm thinking about that, I think the whole tower can hear the music and our 'singing', oh well, they never complained or said anything so...

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