High School!Tony x High School!Reader

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In this One Shot your last name is given, it's not Y/n/l, it's another :)

Hi, I'm Y/n and, unfortunately I'm in high school.

At school, I'm that type of girl that as a friend or two, and doesn't have them in any class, and hate everyone else, and principally that popular group of friends that are Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and the rest of them, and don't like any discipline except art, I'm really good at it and I can do what I like, that it's drawing. At the moment, I'm in science and have two of the popular kids in my class, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

"So class, I have here a little something for you to do on the weekend." The teacher began to say and I already gruned. "So basically, this a pair project that you have to give me on monday, and the information of what you have to do is on this paper that I will be giving you all. Oh, and I decide the pairs." At that everyone in class gruned. Okay, I'll probably be put with a random dude and those two popular kids are gonna be put together cause, basically, everyone at school calls them 'science bros' cause they are the smartest guys in school and are best friends.

"So the pairs are William Johnson with Charles Miller, Mary Anderson with Bruce Banner... " Wait what, the science bros aren't paired up, who's gonna be Tony's- " and Y/n Santos with Tony Stark. That's it guys, now I'm gonna give you the paper and you can discuss what you're gonna do." Why god, why?

"Mr. Torres, I can't do the project this weekend, I'm not in town." Tony said.

"Okay, or you do today or you will have a zero on the project." The teacher said smiling.

"What?! That's not fair!" He exclaimed. Oh god, this is gonna be a long project.

"Just shut up and go discuss what you are going to do with your partner, Tony." Mr. Torres sighed. Tony got up and went up to me.

"So... Can you come to my house to do the project this afternoon or you can't?" Tony asked right before the bell started to ring.

"Yeah, I can." I said while packing my stuff.

"Good, meet me at the gates when the school it's over." Tony said to me before going back to Bruce and walking off.

*Skip to the end of the school*

I was walking down the corridor to go and meet Tony but I saw my two friends, so I went up to them. "Liam! Emma! I miss you guys!" I exclaimed to my favorite OTP.

"Y/n! We miss you too!" Emma said, while we all huged. "It's been what? Two days since we last saw each other! It's been forever!"

"Yeah, it is! But yeah, I just came here to say hi. I need to do a pair project for science. Bye!" I said.

"We walk with you. Who's your partner?" Liam asked.

"Guess who? Tony Stark." I said and they were surprised.

"But you hate those popular kids." Liam said with a frow.

"Do you have a crush on him?" Emma asked excited.

"No! It was the teacher that paired us up. But yeah, I gotta go. Bye." I said, and walking up to Tony and his group of friends. They were all laughing but Tony saw me.

"Bye guys! Gotta go do a project." He said to them and waved. "So, do you have a car or something?"

"No, I walk to school everyday." I told him.

"Okay. You lucky that I brought another helmet." He said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused, and he pointed to a moto. "Oh hell no, I'm not going to go with you on that thing!" I said loud.

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