Field Trip to you know where ;) part 3

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We have been in the lab for a few hours just chilling around, making things with Tony, Harley, Pete, Ned and MJ, she decided to join us cause there was a girl here aka me. We were currently making upgrades on Peter's suit and Tony on his own suit, then I remembered something.

"What time is it?!" I asked worried.

"7:00pm, miss." FRIDAY said.

"Shit! Damn you Tony and this lab for not having windows! The director is gonna kill me!" I grabbed my things and got up, hug my friends and said goodbye. I sprinted to the entrance and to the orphanage. It isn't far away from the tower so yeah.

Tony's POV

"Wait, director? She lives where?" I asked, mostly Peter, Ned and MJ were starting to leave.

"In a orphanage." MJ simply said. "See ya losers." And she was gone.

"She just called Mr. Stark loser, oh my." Ned said. "See ya tomorrow." And he was gone too.

"I'm gonna make a call." I said, getting up and walking outside of the lab. I called Pepper. "Hey Pep, can we adopt a kid?"

"What, why? We already have Harley and, kind of, Peter. Why?" Pepper asked confused.

"Well there's this girl-"

"It's a girl." Pepper said happy.

"Yay! Now, like I was saying, there's this girl, that is Pete's friend and she lives in a orphanage, and she's like me and Harley and Peter! She's really smart! She even created an AI! AN AI PEP! You know how much time I spent creating JARVIS? YEARS! And plus, you would have a girl and not just boys." I tried convincing her.

"But I thought that you wanted to adopt Peter?" Shit, I want them both.

"We could adopt them both." I said blankly.

"Oh Tony, I don't know." Pepper said.

"Come on! We could do that tomorrow! When you're here!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, okay! Stop bugging me! Tomorrow I'm there, after lunch we can do that while the kids are at school and Harley doing god knows what. Now bye, I have to go."

"Okay bye, you won't regret! You're gonna love her!" And then she hung up. Yas! "Yassss!! WOW!" I seriously just screamed that and I'm jumping around like crazy.

Harley's POV

The fuck?

"Bro, look." I said pointing outside of the lab to Peter. There was dad, jumping around and probably screaming, I don't know, we can't hear it. "I'm going to see what's happening. Stay here." I got out of the lab and dad stopped and looked at me. "What are you doing?"

"Can you keep a secret?" Dad asked excited.

"No, I'm a four year old that is gonna tell the world." I said with sarcasm and with a face that says 'really'. "Of course I can dad!"

"Okay okay, dumb question- no, not dumb, Peter can't keep a secret." I said a small 'true' and he continued. "So I talked with mom, and guess what are we doing tomorrow?"

"A sibling for me...? If it's that, I didn't have to know. I don't wanna know when you guys have sex." I said uncomfortable.

"Well no, but yeah. If it was sex, I wouldn't tell you, kid. We are going to adopt. Guess who?" He said still excited.

"Pete?!" I said with wide eyes.

"And Y/n." Dad continued. I gaped. Wait what???

"I'm gonna have two siblings??? But wait, you just met her." The fuck is going on in his mind?

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