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Taehyung : Stop.

Jisoo : What did I do ?

Taehyung : You keep starring at me like that , stop .

Jisoo : You're kinda handsome.

He hides his face with his hand because he's blushing.
2 month , they didn't see each other for 2 month , they're FaceTiming each other again.

Jisoo : How was the show ?

Taehyung :Awesome, it was almost perfect ... the fans , BTS.. I kinda miss you though.

Jisoo : One month and two days left babe , it'll pass very fast. I saw some videos of you on Twitter you did really good.

Jisoo was very sad of not seeing him but she didn't want to make him even more sad so she decided to stay positive.
Taehyung and Jisoo were a couple for now six months , no one knows about their relationship not even their members. They know that if they tell them it will turn very risky for them .
The more people will know about them the more it'll be difficult to hide from everybody .

It all started when they did the mc together , at first they were only friends but they started to see each other more and more , send texts 24/7, become closer and closer. Jisoo was the one to ask him on a date she couldn't wait to tell him how she felt about him. She definitely didn't know what happened 3 hour earlier her confession.
Where Taehyung was and with who.

Taehyung : Yeah.... ummm Jisoo ..

He started thinking about whether or not it would be a good idea to talk about what he had in mind.

Jisoo : Yes baby ?

Taehyung : I miss you.

Jisoo : You know what let's meet.

Taehyung : You're in America , how can we ?

Jisoo : Come here for Coachella.

Taehyung : You're Crazy. He said smiling at the tough of seeing ... her.

Jisoo : Come on ! It'll be fun , seriously come here.

Taehyung : We'll see , anyways go to sleep Jisoo you need to rest you're already sick.

She looked at him , her heart was bouncing at the thought of seeing him , she couldn't wait .
She knew she was in love with him , he knew it too , the thing is that he never told her those three words. Maybe he was  too shy ? Or he wasn't ready yet .

Jisoo : Okay... bye. Love you.

He ended the call without responding to her and signed thinking about this girl who makes his heart beat so fast everytime he thinks about her .

On the other hand Jisoo looking at her phone looking at his phone number and thinking about how happy she is .

Both in love.. but he wasn't with her .


S(he) be(lie)ved  sksksksks


Listen to me ! Men are trash , be a lesbian or single !!!

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