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jisoo 'pov

5 years later

Today was the day Taehyung is supposed to come pick up Jennie , our baby . He asked me if he could stay with her for 1 month on holidays and asked me to come with him but i refused since i don't think i'm capable to see him with another woman .

It's been 1 year now that Taehyung has a girlfriend.

He seems to be happy now .
I am too .. I guess . I'm keeping up .

Him and i have been " sharing " Lia since the day she was born and it never went wrong .
Everything is for the... better .

I have everything i've dreamed of . I am an actress. I have a daughter . I'm independent and quite happy .

The moment i was starting to day dream i heard the door knock .
It's him .

Jisoo : Daddy is here baby , let's go .

Jennie runs through the door and opens it happy .
When the door opens i'm able to see Taehyung smiling as always and hug Jennie .

I get closer to them smiling too and hands Jennie 's back to Taehyung .
He puts our daughter on the floor and lays his eyes on me .
I still have this feeling .

Taehyung: Hey Jisoo .

Jisoo : You're late . I say as he takes her backpack. Where Aaliyah ?

Taehyung : In the car , she asked if you're doing okay by the way .

Aaliyah, his girlfriend. She is very sweet . She's an african American who came to live here several  years ago.

I still remember the first time he talked about her to me .


Him and I were making dinner together because at the time we lived together for Jennie . And it seemed like something was off .
I asked i'm several times but it didn't seem like he wanted to tell me right away .

But when he did my heart dropped .

Taehyung: I'm talking to a girl ..

Jisoo : Oh ... really ? Great .

Taehyung: Is it great ? Jisoo ... I .. don't you like us being this ... a family and everything ?

Jisoo : I .. Tae of course I do .. it's just ... not want i want . I don't ... love you like that anymore .

Of course I lied . It was time for him to move on , one of us had to and I knew that it wasn't going to be me .
I loved him , i still do but it didn't feel right . I was making him lose his time . I knew that he loved me , he wanted more kids he wanted everything to be perfect and all i was doing was to make him wait when i knew damn well that it wouldn't be possible .

When i told him that i didn't love him he had no facial expression. He was sad . I had broken his heart and mine at the same time .

Jisoo : I'm sorry .. maybe this girl is the one . Try it out .

End of Flashback

That was the stupidest this i said .
Pushing him away was a mistake but i can't go back now , he's happy . Aaliyah is the best woman ever . Pretty , nice , intelligent.. fuck .

Jisoo : I'm doing ok what about her , heard she is pregnant ..

Taehyung: She is .. Jennie having a brother or a sister . Right baby ? He says looking at the little girl

Jisoo : If you guys need anything just ask me . I'll be there .

Taehyung : Alright have a good one , bye . Nini say goodbye to mommy .

Jennie : Bye mommy!

I closed the door after kissing her cheek as a tear rolls down mine .

Jisoo : I love you .

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