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Taehyung 's POV .

Jennie : Are you doing that for Jisoo ?

Taehyung : I just don't feel what I used to feel now and I don't want to keep going if it's not working .

Jennie : Are you doing that for Jisoo , Taehyung .

I looked down staring at my fingers trying to respond to a question that I couldn't respond myself .

I didn't know if I was doing that for jisoo , if seeing her with someone else , somebody better than me just woke me up . Seeing her with Jungkook even though he told me that it was nothing and that they were friends made me jealous . Those little moments that I had with her made me feel a way that I couldn't even describe.

We got much closer , now we can have a discussion
longer than just «  hi «  .

I didn't know if I was doing this for me , to be free finally and not telling myself that I'm doing it wrong . That I'm forcing myself into this relationship although her and I aren't compatible.
I was always wondering if I would actually find out what I truly wanted .

Jennie : Taehyung !

She got me off my daydream wanting for an answer.

Taehyung : I don't know Jennie ..

Jennie : What do you mean you don't know .

Taehyung : I just don't , what I know is that I can't keep up this relationship that we have . Im sure that you actually want this too . Do you love me ?

She signed and didn't say a word for 10 seconds..
I wasn't surprised, I knew that she wasn't .

Jennie : Do you like Jisoo ?

Taehyung : I -

I stopped myself from talking and thought about what I wanted to say . Did I like her ? This question that kept turning in my head non stop .

Taehyung : I don't know .

She nodded , lost and with a worried expression on her face .
I didn't know what she was feeling at this moment and it was frustrating. I kept wondering if she was actually affected by that ...

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