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Jennie's POV

Sitting in the the couch and waiting with Taehyung and the CEO for Jisoo to come out .
I ignored why we were here and I was kinda upset because I was really tired .
Lack of sleep .
Taehyung looked so stressed it became to stress me out for no reason .

When Jisoo arrived with her manager she sat after bowing to the ceo . She didn't even manage to even look at Taehyung and I . Rude .

She was having to much attitude lately , not replying to my texts not even my calls . I know that she is upset but I'm the one supposed to be mad .

Taehyung and I was before her and him . I am the one he loves why can't she just get over it and come home already ?
Her jokes and her positive energy are missed daily in my life right now.

CEO : I called you because of the scandal  going on currently with Taehyung and Jennie .

Jisoo : Then ... what am I doing here ?

CEO : Were you on a relationship with Kim Taehyung ?

Jisoo : I don't know if we can say that ... ask him .

Taehyung : Yes we were.

I glared at him . What was he doing ?
He kept glancing at her and I was getting really uncomfortable.

CEO : Let me make this quick , Jennie , you need to get rid of this . A dating scandal is the last thing you need . Jisoo and Taehyung on the other hand you too will be the one to actually date atleast for the media .
I'm not asking you two to break up just to keep it low .

Jisoo : I'm not sure about this .

CEO : We could say that Jennie is the one in a relationship but it may destroy her carrer . She is getting bashed in social media . We didn't fully see Jennie 's face in the pictures it won't be difficult to make them believe that it's actually you .

Jisoo : Is that it ?

CEO : Yes .

Taehyung : What do we do to make them believe that we're together ?

CEO : Act normal , go to her house or Jisoo go to his don't make it to obvious . Or people will know. You don't have to kiss nothing like that.

Jennie : Can we thing about this ?

CEO : I don't know about this do you want your career to be destroyed because of the people on the Internet ?

I kept my mouth shut not knowing what I could say . I was waiting for Taehyung to refuse .
Not because I didn't care about my career but it wasn't what I wanted .
I didn't want to see her with him .

Jisoo : What do I gain from this ? I'll be the one victim of harassment. We're talking about him right now , his fan base is huge .

Taehyung : They will like you ..

Jisoo and I glared at him , what's wrong with him ? Why is he acting all shy and talking like that to her ? Jealousy started growing in me .

Jisoo : Still I'll get a lot of hate so what do I gain from it ?

CEO :  Protection , solo activities so you will get recognized for your hard work .

Jisoo : So you guys are giving all this to me just for him ? Just now ? Whoa .

CEO : I give you and Taehyung a week to think.

So they really don't care about my opinion .
What are they going to do ? I don't want them to be a couple . I looked at Jisoo who was currently looking at the CEO .
I don't want her to be with him or anyone. I just-

Jisoo : Jennie what do you think ?

Jennie : I - I don't know .

Jisoo : I'm not doing it if you don't want to but Your scandal will be over . Him and I won't talk to each other when the media will be away you can relax . Right Taehyung ?

Their eyes locked with each other .
I could feel so many things and I knew that it was nothing compared to what was actually happing between them at this moment.
I was getting angry on my own how much my love didn't mean nothing in this triangle .

Taehyung : Right ...

Jisoo was the one breaking their little moment . I bite my bottom lip wanting all this to end .
For an hour we talked about what was about happen . How they were going to deal with all this , make everybody think that they were together etc .

I didn't talk a lot because I didn't have that much to say . I kept thinking about what could happen .
Afraid to lose once and for all the person I love .


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