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Jisoo's POV

3 months later .

Chaeyoung : What are you going to do ?

Jisoo : I- don't know ..

Chaeyoung : What do you mean you don't know ?

Jisoo : Let me think first .

Chaeyoung : No ! No I'm not letting you " think " for one month again . I'm done and scared. Blackpink is done already because of Jen's death .

Jisoo : ok now Rosie I love you but stop saying that , stop talking  like that she's not gone . Ok ? She's not .

Chaeyoung: She fucking is ! It's time for you to accept that . Stop acting like everything is okay Jisoo it's not . Stop wearing Jennie's clothes ,  you're hurting yourself and everybody around you . You're not " thinking " you just want to forget about all the messed up things that are happening and Jisoo I swear I understand that you're not doing fine okay ? I totally get it but we need you to talk to us ok ?

I glanced at Lisa who was looking down to her feets then Jungkook who was listen to us this whole time .
I couldn't talk .

Chaeyoung : Please don't leave , we need you . We fucking need you .

Jisoo : What about Taehyung..

Chaeyoung : Not him again ... Jisoo I thought we agreed on you guys breaking up . This relationship will be the last straw . This will definitely be the end of our career .

Jisoo : How is this related to you guys ?

Chaeyoung : Don't you ever listen to the manager ?

My eyebrows frowned .

Chaeyoung : You know why Taehyung never cared about you guys going public at first ? Let me tell you . He ain't have any problem. Bts ain't going to fall because of that .
We are . Bts is fine , they're men and increase in the industry. We are not . Blackpink is gone all we can hope for is for a solo career . That plan of you guys going public was supposed to be a short period of time it's over now .

I stayed silent in front of her , trying to think properly. She was exhausted and I could see that through her face . I know that she is scared , music is her life . She doesn't want blackpink to downfall even more now.
She was waiting for me to look at her back but I couldn't.

Chaeyoung : you're being selfish right now soo .

Lisa : Hey Chaeyoung calm down .

Chaeyoung: Calm down ? You guys really think that I didn't hear you talking about quitting everything ? I know you know what you want to do know but are too afraid to tell me what's up ? Are you going to abandon me too ? Just like Jennie did ?

Lisa : Chaeyoung let's go out a little.

I was trying to stay calm too , trying not to cry , not to scream at her for acting this way
Jungkook approached me with a serious face .

Jungkook : What are you going to do ?

Jisoo : Should I break up with him already ?

Jungkook : Look i don't know ... what do you think ?

I got up ready to do the dishes .

Jisoo : You know what pisses me off ? Everybody seems to be counting on me no matter what happens . Since Jennie 's ..... I paused  nobody asked me what i was feeling . If i needed help except for Taehyung and you . And nobody seems to care now . All I want is too get far from here . I want to leave . This is so fucking unfair .
Like what the fuck should I do now ?

I started crying.

Jisoo : I'm so mad at jennie for doing this . Why did she leave me ? Like WHY ? And why is she so obsessed about me breaking up with him ?

Anger started to grow, i thought that I was hallucinating. They didn't tell me anything when I had a crush on him , nothing when I told them that I wanted to confess, nothing when I started hanging out with him , but now that I'm deeply in love they call me selfish for not wanting to let him go .

My thoughts are all over the place .
I always put my members before myself and they make me feel like I think about myself only .

Jisoo : People know about him and I anyways . we literally faked a whole relationship now that it's REAL i have to give up ? Because they don't need me to put myself in this position anymore ?

Jungkook : You know ... i think that you should rest . You didn't stop even a bit . I totally get what you're talking about but you don't know what you want . You're not happy . Look at you . You've been ignoring Taehyung because of everything. Just calm down take a break .

I sighed thinking about what I really wanted. I've been depressed since Jennie's death . I've been trying to hide a big secret from everybody but it's getting hard and exhausting.

Jungkook ; I love you Jisoo . Always count on me .

Jisoo : I love you too Jungkook . Thank you so much .

A tear falls on my face, i don't want drama around me , I don't want to be unhappy .
I felt his arms around me . I put the dishes down and turned around to hug him back .

Jungkook stayed with me all day then left to be with someone.
I just stayed in my bed the moment he left the house .
I called Taehyung  that night  , he told me that he loved me and that he missed me .

Chaeyoung didn't sleep in our room , she went to her friend's. I was we frustrated about it but didn't say anything .

Lisa came in my bed in the middle of the night , I was crying before she came , she cried a lot too when she saw me.

I want everything to end .


What kind of ending do you guys want ?

btw when i'm done with this story i'm going to write this again without changing  anything . it's just so poorly written it pisses me off !!!

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