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Taehyung 's POV

It has been a long time now that Jisoo and I haven't talk. I don't know why she keeps ignoring me... it makes me wonder if she still love me. Her members never answer my questions either I'm confused.
Maybe she's bored of me .. of us..

At first I kept asking her what was the problem, calling her everytime when I could , sending her message she never replied. I would go to her house but she was never there. The thought of her being in her dorm with her members passed a lot of times in my head.

I was beginning to feel really sad and betrayed. Is she this kind of person ? Who just ghosts people ? Well I was disappointed.

I felt ridiculous stalking her social medias, I sound like a creep. Maybe I should give up on her ?
Should I ?
Or should I try one more time ?

What if she found someone else ?
My heart is tipping just thinking about it.

Lisa  : What are you doing here ?

Taehyung : I wanna talk to you ... please.

I came here to see if Lisa could give me some explanations.. if she had the answer of all my questions fusing in my head. I knew she was here because I asked Jennie if she was here first.

Lisa : What about  ?

Taehyung: I ... is she here ?

Lisa : No yet but she's coming... you should go though.

Taehyung : Why should I go ? What's wrong ?

Lisa : She just needs some time to think..

Taehyung : Think about what  ?

Jisoo : What are you doing here Tae ?

I turned around tears in my eyes. Her voice .. feels like I haven't heard this melody for 10 years.
I move closer to her not losing eye contact with her.
I take her hand quickly rubbing it so it could get warmer.

Taehyung : I'm here so we can talk Chu .. what's up ?

Jisoo : Let's talk on phone call ...

Taehyung : I know you won't call ...

Jisoo : Lisa  take this please you can just let it I'm the kitchen I'll do everything.

Lisa : Yes ma'am.

Jisoo : Come with me...

She enters in her second house with her members and goes to her room that she shares with Chaeyoung .
No one is there ...
I shut the door behind me waiting for her to break that silence.

Jisoo : I'm sorry Tae... I really am ...

Taehyung : What is it ?

Jisoo : You deserve so much better than me .. I -

Taehyung : Are you breaking up with me Jisoo ?

Jisoo : Annnw ...

She gets closer to me touching my cheek while tears are falling down her face. It's my first time seeing her cry .. what is happening.

Taehyung : Don't - Don't cry what is it.

Jisoo : I love you .

Taehyung: Why are you ignoring my calls then ?

I talked to her calmy so she could calm down and stop crying . She's the one who cries in this relationship usually , I can't deal seeing her like this.

Jisoo :Taehyung , i've been thinking a lot about everything . About Jennie , about you , about my career and ..

She cries even harder ... I don't know what to do right know ... ?

Taehyung : Did you .. cheat on me ?

Jisoo : What ?!

She breaks the hug and gets away from me.

Jisoo : Of course not. I would never do that...

I sigh of relief and get closer to her again. Her body attracts me like a magnet. I can't be that far away for her. I always need her by my side. Not being able to talk to her all theses months was horrible.

Jisoo : I'm pregnant of you ...

I began to cry a lot...

Taehyung: You are ?

Jisoo : Yes , but ..

I wipe her tears before wiping mine as she looks down to her feets.

Jisoo : But i want to take a break of everything.

Taehyung : You want to break up with me ?

Jisoo : I'm so sorry , i swear i wanted to have the biggest family with you but with everything that happened it just changed everything. I want to quit everything and start everything over .

Taehyung : Jisoo .. don't justify yourself , i get it . What about the baby ... are you getting an ... abortion ?

Jisoo ; I'm keeping it actually . You'll still be the daddy , if you want to actually.

Taehyung : Of course i do baby .. Jisoo sorry Jisoo .

I take her hand and get in bed with her.
She puts her head on my chest, put her hand in my shirt and caress my belly which is her habit.

Jisoo : One day we'll have a lot of children , they'll be beautiful like you ... and I . She let's out a cute laugh

Taehyung: When time will come I'll be at home taking care them and you'll be the actress that you always wanted to be and a model . A beautiful powerful independent woman because that's what you are. I love you Jisoo . I'll wait if you want me too .

I caress her warm back looking at her deeply . It hurts a lot .

Jisoo : One day we snif

She looks at me , I do the same .
I'm going to be a dad ..


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