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Jisoo's pov

I turn around a little.
I could feel the coldness beside me. I opened my eyes slowly and couldn't see anyone .
I stood up still kinda sleeping .

Jisoo : Taehyung ?

I saw lights in my bathroom and got up quickly.
Taehyung came late at night , I was surprised but it made me happy .

I made tiny steps to where the lights were coming from the room next to the place I sleep and opened the door quietly only to see the guy I liked shirtless .

I don't know why I got closer to him and touched his naked back which made him turn around quickly.
We were facing each other , our breath were mixing up. I flinched seeing him this close to me .

Taehyung : Jisoo .. he said with his husky voice who makes me go insane

Jisoo : Why did you left the bed ...

Taehyung : I needed to ... pee ... why did you get up ?

Jisoo : I ... don't know .

My eyes went down to his lips , he suddenly pulled my face closer to his . My heart started beating faster and faster .

My shirt had fallen to the side , exposing my shoulders . He immediately kissed me there working  his way to my neck .
I then pulled his head back to kiss deeply , my hands in his hair and his on my waist .

Taehyung: Jisoo ... Jisoo ... Jisoo . JISOO !

I open my eyes to see Taehyung in front of me . I screamed surprised . I suddenly remembered the dream that I had two seconds ago and widen my eyes .

Jisoo : You're back !

Taehyung : Yeah we have to go ...

Jisoo : What now ?

Taehyung : Umm , I called you multiple times but you were asleep , Go wash yourself I'll choose your clothes . I bought breakfast for you .

I got myself ready quickly and went to the kitchen where he was scrolling through Twitter.
When he saw me he immediately smiled.
He grabbed the breakfast and took my hand so we could leave after I wore my shoes .

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