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Jisoo 's POV

Jisoo : They say there's no point in regretting but
            I'll keep thinking you.
            I will smile if I see you as if nothing          happened

I was singing the song I wrote ,
It's about my relationship with Taehyung, I only wrote the first part. My heart was clinching while was doing my thing , singing with the emotion I can give .

Jisoo : For you I'm okay with being hurt
            Since I only gave you pain during the time
           we were together 

I started to write the lyrics when we broke up .
During the whole relation ship he didn't seem happy at all . I felt like being with me was a burden for him .

I know what people could think , why can't I just get over with this ?
Well I want to but I can't he's just everywhere.
Tv , streets, add in YouTube everywhere.

My co member / best friend is now with him , forget him is impossible.
And now that it will probably start all over it's just worst .
I don't want to see his disappointed face everytime he looks at me . Atleast now I know why , it's because he wants Jennie not me.

The last time I saw him in the CEO office he said that he wanted to have a talk with me in my house or his.
He said that he wanted to talk with me, explain everything and be on a good terms with me .

I accepted. I know I shouldn't have that it won't help me getting over him.
But I wanna see him , I need to see him and not in a professional way.

I dropped my lyric notebook and began to choose an outfit.
I just wore a casual thing to be comfortable enough to kick him out of my house if he ever starts to piss me off .
I decided to send him a message because it was  9 pm and he's late.

He didn't replied back.
I was getting nervous , did something happen ?
He's never late usually ... he's supposed to be here at 8 pm . Dalgom ( Jisoo's dog ) was playing with me like always. I was felling really  sleepy because I woke up early , I couldn't sleep tonight , thinking about Taehyung made me exited.

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