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Jisoo's POV

1 year before

Shaking my sweaty hands and getting closer to the guy that I love . He seemed lost and sad . Looking at my co members walking to her lodge .

Jisoo : Tae ...

He turned to me when he heard my voice with his trying to form a smile on his face. I Could see that he wasn't feeling right .

Jisoo : Are you ok ?

He nodded and hugged me tight, my eyes widened because I wasn't expecting that .
His arms were around my waist and I didn't want him to get off of me but he did .
I looked down not being able to look at him.

Taehyung : What are you doing here ?

Jisoo : I came to tell you something ...

Taehyung : Tell me .

Jisoo : I -

I finally looked up to meet his dark eyes. I lost the ability to talk when I was about to do so .
He took my hand with concern .

Jisoo : I like you .. no I - I love you to be honest and I seriously don't want to destroy our friendship but I don't want to keep this for myself  and maybe regret it . It's ok if you don't ... What are you doing ..

He came closer to me and kissed me languidly.
At this moment my heart could literally explode , that reaction wasn't what I expected . I literally though that he was going to reject me and tell me that it wasn't possible .

My hands placed on his face and his still on my waist . We stopped kissing when we needed some air to breath .

Taehyung : I'm sorry ..

Jisoo : No ! I am . I should probably go now that way told you what I had to say .

I didn't leave right away because I expected him to tell me something .

Taehyung : Let's see each other sometime ?

I nodded still thinking about our first kiss .
Thinking about it right now I should've ask him what he was doing with Jennie and maybe not tell him how I was feeling .

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