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Taehyung POV

Taehyung : Babe ...

Jisoo : Whats up ?

I took her hands intertwined them and made her sit on my lap facing me . She gave me a weak smile as I bite my lip nervously. We were back together for now 2 weeks and it was so perfect . We kept on trying to see each other and it was great .

We were chilling together while watching Netflix . To be honest we weren't really focusing on the tv but on each other .
We were ready to just ... do inappropriate things .

Taehyung : God you're so clingy when we are home .

Jisoo : Do you want me to stop ?

Taehyung : Hell no .

Jisoo : Just kiss me please ?

As we were about to kiss for the nth time a door bell stopped us . Before she could let go I dropped some kisses on her neck not letting her get up .
I was annoyed by the fact that I wouldn't be alone with her when I heard Jennie's voice when my girlfriend opened the door .

Jennie : Oh Taehyung hi ...

Taehyung : What's up Jennie .

Jennie : I didn't know you were here she faked a smile are you two alone .. together ?

Jisoo : Yeah ... are you hungry babe ?

Jennie & Taehyung : Yeah .

We looked at each other eyebrows frowned . What the fuck .
I was getting really uncomfortable and weird.

Jisoo : My babies are hungry .. be right back I'm going to order food for us .

She left and Jennie sat a little bit far from me on the couch as if we wanted to do social distancing .
She didn't even glance at me and seemed impatient to have her friend back .

Taehyung : Whats bringing you here ?

Jennie : Just wanted to see my best friend ... is that a problem ?

Taehyung : Not at all ... if you don't mind I'm going to help Jisoo in the kitchen .

Jennie : Oh no ... you stay here I'm going .

She didn't even wait for me to respond that she began to leave .
I was thinking during the whole time they were laughing together . I could see them a little .
Jennie was so close to Jisoo that I started asking myself questions . I was wondering what she was trying to do .

When I saw how Jennie was touching Jisoo I got up and got closer to them especially to Jisoo .
I nod acting like I was listening carefully to what she's saying to her friend when I wasn't really .

Jisoo : I'm so sleepy I want the food to come fast. she said eating snacks

Well we could've have fun before we could sleep together but we were interrupted .

Taehyung : You should've ask me to cook something for you .

She kissed me but stopped when Jennie made her phone fall . My eyebrows were so frowned that it made Jisoo wonder if i was upset .

The whole night was really tiring for me, I kept wondering when Jennie would leave us alone and she didn't . She was still here at 1 am and it was driving me crazy . All she did was keeping me away from Jisoo .

Jisoo's POV

Taehyung decided to go to sleep while I was still talking to Jennie . Before he could go I apologized to him for Jennie's behavior.
Not gonna lie , I was upset too . I was wondering if she came for him and it was making me slightly insecure.

But something happened , something that made me completely freeze.
Jennie , with her eyes starring at mine came closer to me . She then gazed at my lips before placing hers on mine .

My heart was racing like crazing I didn't know what to do . It felt like the old times . This wasn't our first kiss but kinda felt like it was .
She came on top of me making my back fall on the couch .

I answered her kiss and actually let our tongues touch . I didn't think about Taehyung or anyone and it made me feel terrible afterwards .

Jisoo : Jennie I moaned .

Jennie : Yes .. she kept on kissing me

I pecked her lips one more time and got up .
She stared at me with this look . The same look she gave me 3 years ago .

Jisoo : Jennie I think you need to go ...

Jennie : Jisoo her voice was trembling please ..

Jisoo : I'm sorry .

She wiped her tears and left slamming the door .
It made Taehyung wake up . He got closer to me when he saw how in a bad state I was .

This night I didn't sleep well . I was thinking ... I kept on thinking and I just wanted all this to be over .


What do you think ( by AGUST D ... no really what do you think ? )

By the way y'all don't know me but let me tell y'all I'm a clown irl .

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