{Hotaru Haganezuwa x Reader}

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Just for those who don't know who Hotaru is, he's Tanjiro's swordsmith

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Just for those who don't know who Hotaru is, he's Tanjiro's swordsmith. I know I was shook too when I saw his actual face🥵

Hotaru was badly injured, while he was finishing off Tanjiro's sword a demon attacked him, but he never once stopped forging the sword. He kept finishing it off even if it costed his own life.

"I'm sorry Hotaru, If only we didn't lead the demons to find the village you wouldn't have gotten so hurt," I said almost breaking down in front of him, while I cleaned his wounds.

He grabbed my hand and look at me before speaking. "Don't blame yourself for what happened, the demons were going to find this village eventually...just be thankfully that you saved countless lives," he said, I looked down ashamed of myself for not protecting the poor innocent people who were wrongfully killed.

"Hey (y/n), look at me.....it's not your fault," he said lifting my chin smiling slightly.

"But what I had came in time...I-I would've been able to prevent this from happening to you-," he cut me off pressing his lips on mine. He grunted in pain from the wound of his chest before pulling away.

"Now will you shut up," he said smiling although I could tell that he was in serious pain.

"I'm sorry, I just don't like seeing you like this," I said starring into Hotaru's emerald green eyes.

"I know..," he sighed brushing the hair away from my face.

"You know....I've been having strong feelings for you lately and I haven't officially asked yet but.....will you be mine (y/n)?"

"Yes Hotaru, of course I will."


Sorry guys but I just wanted to make this a small chapter.

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