b.b. | come back : ii

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It was a rough day. But I still couldn't forget what happened to Bucky. How did he became like that? And how didn't he got old? There's a lot of question on my mind right now but all I wanna know is, is he coming back?

"You okay?" Steve asks me as he sat beside me on the couch. I just sighed and nodded.

"I know you're not." Then I gave him a 'really' look. First of all if he knew it already, why would he ask? Right?

"Yeah. I'm not. I'm still confused of what happened to him. W—Why would he became like that? And he didn't remember me?" I started to cry. Steve comforted me, I really am thankful that Steve is here with me always.

"Hydra. Because of Hydra." And there it goes. I finally realized it all. FUCK HYDRA, why would they do that to my baby?

"Let's eat?" Tony asked and we both stood up and went to the dining table of Avengers Tower. We are all set and we ate.

"Tell us a story about you and Bucky." Wanda asked. I smiled.

"We met in a Party on 1936, after that we became friends for almost half a year and started dating on 1937. Then on 1944 I had to go in 2010 because I have this little job to do but I luckily I got stuck which is I don't know why."

Then all of them seems so quiet.

"We will do our best to find and fix him." Tony said. I just nodded and smiled. After a few minutes of eating, I stood up and left the dining since I'm already done eating.

I went home to my apartment and went directly to my bed. My house is quiet and dark, when you're in my room all you gonna see is the big ass window, my bed and a TV. I loved being in New York, especially the view.

But being this alone couldn't make me feel happy. I always felt so alone ever since that day I left him. I shouldn't left that day, I really shouldn't.


"Y/N?" You gasped as you heard Bucky's voice. But then you realized that it was only a dream. You sighs and face palmed.

"I'm crazy." You mumbled to yourself. You stood up and took your phone, it's already 2am. You went on the kitchen to get some water. As you closed the Fridge's door you gasped as you saw someone behind it.

You two did fight until you accidentally hit the switch of the lights. You MORE gasped as you saw him, it was him. Bucky.

"Bucky?! What the fuck are you doing here?" You asked. Your mind is literally in shock right now. He sighs and drink some water.

"Who the hell is Bucky? You keep on saying that name to me. Who the hell is he?"

You just stared at him and looked down.

"James Buchanan Barnes, known as Bucky. You were born on March 10, 1917. And I am Y/F/N your girlfriend for 7 fucking years."

Bucky couldn't know what to say exactly. He is in shock of what you said. But then you realized, 'what if I tried to see what happened to him?'  With that, you cleared your mind and went closer to Bucky.

"W—What are you doing?" He asked moving backwards.

"Let me just touch you for a second. Please." Then you started to touch him. You felt sadness, anger & hurt. You saw what the Hydra did to him.

You were so hurt and mad as well.

"Y/N?" You gasped as you heard him saying your name. You looked into his eyes and he cried.

"I—I don't know. After you touched me, everything. I—I felt everything. Baby, baby It's me." You widened your eyes and hug him.

"I love you Bucky." You said while crying.

"I'm so sorry I left you that day, I didn't even had the chance to say goodbye, I was such a fool." You said between years.

"No no it's fine. It's about your work and It's really fine with me."

"You don't know how much I've missed you. It's been 9 years since I never hugged you, baby." You said. Bucky broke the hug and kissed you.

"I wouldn't leave you ever again, I'm so sorry baby." He said. You chuckles and said, "I like the long hair but I hate the beard." Bucky laughs as well.

"Don't worry, tomorrow they'll be gone. Because you're gonna meet the 1944 Bucky Barnes." The two of you chuckles.

After you reported what happened to Bucky, they finally helped Bucky to be himself again. Luckily and Shockingly, Director Fury was alive all this time.

Tony is throwing a party tonight as a Thank-You to Bucky on helping you all on solving the case about Hydra. Imagine the Avengers finished the Hydra in just one day.

With that Thank You, Tony's Party is 90's Theme.

You put on some black sexy dress with your red lipstick and curled your hair, just like the 90's. You, Wanda and Natasha went on the Party together because you three are gonna meet your boys there.

[on this imagine, Nat is dating Sam while Wanda is dating Steve]

As you three arrived the boys picked you up on the door but Bucky isn't with them. You started to ask the boys.

"Where's Bucky?" Sam and Steve smiled.

"Somewhere there, waiting for you." Steve said. You walked inside the Party and you couldn't see Bucky.

Until on the aisle, you stopped walking as he turned around and the song "Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley." Started to play, which is your favorite song.

You were surprised because you just saw the Bucky who you loved in 1940's. His beautiful hair and his beautiful smile.

He smiled and walked towards you. Then he spoke.

"Would you make me the happiest man alive? By wearing this ring?" He said as he sat down in one knee

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"Would you make me the happiest man alive? By wearing this ring?" He said as he sat down in one knee. You cried and nodded.

The people applauded and cheered! You hugged Bucky and kissed him. You couldn't believe that Bucky would do this.

"I've been waiting for that answer for almost 99 years baby." Then you two chuckles.

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