s.s. | chocolate ice cream : ii

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I'm so fucking tired of being like this every fucking day. Sebastian going home late every night even though he doesn't have work! Where could he be? Probably in some bar with some cheap women!

* slamming of door *

I quickly stood up from my seat as I heard a loud slamming of door. Of course it was him. I glared at him and took him. He was very drunk and shit. "What the fuck Sebastian? Are you really like this every fucking day?!" I shouted. He groaned, "Shut up for a minute. I need water and sleep." I groaned and left him there. I went directly at our room and packed my things.

"Where are you going?!" He shouted. I didn't answer him. I took my luggage and went in Sofia-Rose's room. I packed her things and Sebastian followed me. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!" He shouted. "WHAT'S MY PROBLEM? WHY DON'T YOU ASK YOURSELF FIRST?!" I shouted back.

I walked towards Sofia's crib and quietly carried her. "Where are you going?!" Sebastian asked with a depe angry voice. I took my bags and went on my car still not talking to Sebastian. "Y/N WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM?!" I closed the door and locked it. I drove to Elizabeth Olsen's house. I don't have any parents anymore and my sister & brother are away. Liz have been there for me since day one and I have no one else to tell everything.

That was 3 years ago.

Sebastian and I broke up 3 years ago. He was such a 100% whole bastard. I don't even know why or how did he turn into someone like that. He was this perfect gentleman but then he changes into someone like that? I just couldn't believe it.

I just woke up in this white room. Where the hell am I? "Y/N!" I looked at the man who shouted my name. It was Sebastian. "Seb? Where am I?" He kisses my forehead and holds my hand. "Hospital. You've been out for 2 days. Someone shot you back in the Carnival." Okay, I remember now. I was about to run when I felt something on my back.

"Where's Sofia-Rose?" I asked. "School." I just nodded. "You can go home now. You probably have work and maybe Jessica needs you." Then his eyebrows furrowed. "Ms. Y/S you can go home now. Everything is settled." Then I looked over at Sebastian, "Huh? Did you use my card?" He chuckles. "No Ms. Y/S, Mr. Stan already paid for everything."

"What?" Then the Nurse left smiling and Sebastian chuckles. "You crazy! Let me pay you. You crazy shit." I said and we both laughed. "Shut up. That's not enough. After all I did to you." Then I felt sadness again. "I don't wanna talk about it. So could you help me to get home safe?" I asked. He smiled.

* after 1 month *

"Mommy! I can't wait for Daddy!" Sofia-Rose exclaimed. You rolled your eyes and smiled, "Tell me. Do you love Daddy more than Mommy?" You pouted. "No, Mommy. She loves both of us." You gasped as you heard Sebastian's voice. "You sicko, you scared the hell out of me." You said.

"Daddy!!!" Sofia-Rose shouted and hugs her daddy. "Are you both ready for the party?" He asked. "Of course we are!" Sofia exclaimed. You are attending RDJ's Party tonight. You are very close to RDJ as well and he is Sofia-Rose's godfather. You are wearing a maroon dress matching with your red lipstick.

 You are wearing a maroon dress matching with your red lipstick

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