b.b. | clingy

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7 AM in the morning as all of you went on the dining area to eat breakfast or to have a coffee. You sat on the bar area while Natasha, Clint and Sam are having a Cereal Breakfast in the dining. You and Tony are drinking a hot coffee in the Bar Area.

"Where's Bucky?" Steve asked as he joins the group in the dining area.

"Probably still sleeping." You responds. Any minutes later, Bucky came and went directly at You. He hugs you and kissed you in the cheeks.

"Good Morning, Baby." Bucky mumbles into your ears. You giggled a little and greeted him back.

"Gonna go join the single area even though I'm not single, just don't wanna be a third wheel." Tony said and left you two on the Bar.

"Want me to make you some coffee or tea?" You asked you Boyfriend. He smiled and stares at you.

"Uh— Bucky, something wrong on my face?" Then he suddenly awoke from his daydream. He scoffs saying, "Nothing, you're just too gorgeous."

You smiled and stood up but he stopped you.

"No need. I'll make my own coffee." While making his own coffee, Sam suddenly laughs too loud. Causing all the people to look at him.

"What's so funny, Falcon Boy." Natasha asked.

"Bucky is so Clingy. Isn't he, Y/N?" You chuckles and looks at Bucky who's giving Sam a 'seriously face'.

"Yeah he is. Very very clingy." Then Bucky gave you the same face. You all laughed and Bucky is just there drinking his hot coffee.

"When will I get my boy? I'm so lonely ever since I was born. Can someone get me a boyfriend." Natasha exclaimed.

"Oh Darling, Steve is there." You said causing Steve to look at Natasha with his mouth full of Cereal.

"Ielibduenduehd." Steve said.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full, u fool." Clint said. He laughs and when he finished his eating, he began to talk again.

"What I said was. Natasha and I are already dating." Then Sam accidentally spit all of his milk & cereal to them.

"THAT'S SO DISGUSTING SAM!!!" Natasha exclaimed, once again while cleaning her body. And Steve helped as well.

"No wonder why I heard moans last night." Bucky said then laughs.

"Uh nO—! It's probably Y/N. We all know how much Y/N loves to scream Bucky's name." Natasha défends and glared at Steve.

"Yes. I love screaming Bucky's name, but it is Bucky. Not Steve's." Then you and Bucky high fives.

"So what's all the drama about being lonely ever since you were born, Romanoff." Tony asked.

"Sex. That's all me and Steve's been doing. It's all Sex, alright?" Then Steve holds her hand.

"I'm so sorry, I'm just too scared to say I love you. Too scared that you wouldn't feel and say the same thing." Steve mumbled.

"Oh come one Stevie Wonder. You know how much I love you." Then they kissed. Sam stood up and get another cereal.

"What the actual fuck. I'm going to be the best third wheel in this world." Sam said. As Bucky finished his coffee, he went on your back again and back hugged you.

"Clingy Alert." Sam said.

"Do you wanna scream my name?" Bucky whispered to your ear. You giggled and looked up to him.

"Of course I want." Then Bucky kissed you. While kissing, Wanda came in the dining and shouted.

"I HEARD THAT Y/N AND BUCKY. My God Bucky, too clingy & too sexual." Then the rest started asking Wanda what she heard.

And you and Bucky went in your room just to scream his name.

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