s.s. | hickey prank

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I'm a YouTuber aside from being a Victoria's Secret Model. Today I just got home from a stressful Paris Fashion Week. I'm very excited to see my Sebastian Stan, well I haven't seen him for 2 months. Well what I meant on got home was I got home here on my Hotel Room in Paris and going to leave next week.

Sine I'm such a nice and loving girlfriend, I decided to pull out a prank on him. Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie and Tom Hiddleston are with Sebastian right now. The three knew about this prank and they were too excited for it.

"Sebastian is with Mackie, Evans and Hiddle. They all decided to visit me since I'm done with the Fashion Week. So since I've missed him, I decided to pull or a prank on him. You guys know me, I'm such a nice and loving girlfriend to Seabass."

As I explained everything on the Vlog. I set up the camera to the hidden place and did the fake hickey on my neck. I didn't put a makeup one because for sue he will touch it, luckily Gigi found something on the Prank Store around Paris 2 days ago, she gave me the fake hickey prank and the fake pregnancy prank. Well I chose the hickey because the pregnancy is way too serious.

I pressed it on my neck for almost 5 minutes and then VOILA! I did it, it literally looked like a Hickey. Fuck I'm so scared. Okay here we go. I'm wearing a huge shirt and some super short-shorts.

Later on they all came in the Hotel and we all hugged and talked about stuffs. Until me and Seb cuddled, the three couldn't stop laughing causing for Seb to ask. "Why y'all laughing?" Seb asked. "I just remember that Tom almost fell on the stairs earlier." Mackie said and they all burst out laughing, oh darling, Thank You for saving me.

Mackie looked at me and winked and I mouthed, Thank You.

While cuddling and watching Netflix, Sebastian noticed it. He began to move my neck to see properly but I refused. "Baby, stop I'm watching." I mumbled. He didn't listen to me, instead he asks. "What is that?" I look at him and he is very confused, mad, sad, mixed emotions.

"Nothing!" I said looking back at the TV. I saw the three looking at each other and they all hid their faces so Seb wouldn't see that they're laughing.

"Is that a love bite?" He again asked me. I didn't look at him and I AM VERY NERVOUS, I haven't done this in my whole life so I'm totally freaking out.

"Sebastian, stop it please. I'm watching." Then he took the remote and paused it. Causing for me to groan, "You wouldn't do that, don't you?" He said. Oh my God, my heart is in aww!

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know what I mean, Love." I looked away and I saw Chris' face. He is very funny, he is looking so red. I tried my best to hide my laughs and faced Seb. "Let's go." He said grabbing me away from the room.

He took me out of the room and luckily, I got the camera as he grabbed me earlier. At least they could hear us talking.

"Love. You wouldn't do that? Right?" His eyes began to water. Oh my God, I'm so BAD! I looked down and sighs, "I'm sorry." Then he hugs me so tight. "No, you wouldn't do that. You're not Y/N if you have done that thing." Then this is the moment of the truth.

"I'm so sorry because... THIS IS A PRANK!" I said showing his face to the camera. He was very surprised and he just laughs. The three went out and they all made fun of Seb.

"That was a good one huh. Well, wait for my revenge young Lady. And also, you three dorks!" Seb said and we all laughed.

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