lance tucker | jealousy

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i got myself so excited when lance told me that he would go with me to meet our old friends. actually it's a high school reunion and lance doesn't want to join but then thanks to me, i made him go.

"that's what you're wearing?" he asked me. i looked at my mirror and nothing scandalous. "why? don't you like it?" i asked. he sighs and came closer to me to give me a back hug then buried his face to my neck. "nothing, you're just too sexy and gorgeous." he said but in a seductive way. i kind of moaned but stopped as soon as possible.

"i heard you, maybe we could just stay? and do some stuff?" he asked as he grabbed my ass. i groaned and faced him, "babe we couldn't. people were expecting us there." i mumbled and gave him a kiss. "i want more." he pouted and gave him one then left him there. i went out of our room to put on my shoe, i wore a white sneakers. later on we arrived our old university.

we met a lot of our old friends who we lost contact. but most importantly i saw my old crush, shit he's still hot but not as hot as lance ;).

"babe look, it's evan." i said as he looked at him. he walked towards us and smiled, "wow you look taller, y/n." he said i just chuckled. "and you? wow still the old lance tucker, the bad ass!" lance just chuckled and decided to leave me with evan so we could catch up. lance went to his friends and talked about whatsoever.

"so how was your life?" he asked. "oh well amazing, i'm now a registered nurse. and how about you? the heartthrob of the university?" i asked he he giggled, "well i'm married but we divorced 2 years ago, and nope i don't have any children, hoping to have one soon." he smiled. "to whom? to stacey hill?" stacey hill is one of the most famous cheerleader before and i used to get jealous of her when she kept on hitting on lance.

"nope... but to you?" he joked. i just laughed and gave him a joke face, "you're still crazy." i said. "oh come on, why would you end up with lance tucker? i mean you had a crush on me right?" what the fuck? "had, okay? fucking had a crush on you and that was like few years ago." i muttered. "i was just kidding, but well maybe we could contact? you know talk about stuffs." he gave me his phone and i put my number. after that he left.

later on we're now on our way home when my phone buzzes. i couldn't see it because i was removing my makeup so i told lance to open it. then he gasped. "what?" i asked and his eyes were mad. "what the fuck is this?" he asked as he showed me my phone. it was a text from evan. shit.

unknown number : hey y/n it's evan. so still on for tomorrow night? ;)

i groaned and took it. lance stopped the car and took a deep breath. "what the fuck was that? why would you go out with him?!" my eyes are now mad too, my feelings, my bones, everything! "lance! of course he was hitting on me! he would do everything just to destroy my relationship with you." i shouted and opened my phone to text him back.

y/n : you fucker. we didn't even have the discussion of going out tomorrow night!

then i blocked him after. lance continues to drive home. after a few minutes we reached it and he slammed the door. i rolled my eyes and i decided to go upstairs but he stopped me. "is that the reason why you wore that fucking scandalous outfit huh?!" he shouted at me. how could he think of that?! "lance?! you are such a fucking crazy! i don't even have any idea that he would be there!" i shouted back as i kept on removing his strong hand on my arm.

"let go of me!" i shouted. "oh y/n, i even saw you with him you were very happy when you were talking to him. how wonderful." he muttered as he let go of me. "first of all you are the one who left us there and now you're over reacting?! my god lance! you are such a total fucker!" i shouted and left him there. i went upstairs to our room and get my things such as my makeup remover, towel, clothes & toothbrush because i will be spending my night at the guest room.

as i finished everything i lay down. i'm just wearing a huge t-shirt with my thongs inside so it's comfy. i then finally got the chance to sleep.

a few hours have gone by, lance couldn't stop thinking of you. he isn't used sleeping with your shared bed without you. he stood up and went over to the guest room and opened it. he saw you sleeping peacefully but got turned on because you were only wearing a thongs & shirt.

he came closer to you and kissed your forehead. "babe, i'm sorry." he mumbled. you then woke up, "what are you doing here lance." you asked annoyed. "babe, i was wrong. sorry, i shouldn't think any of that. i trust you and i love you." he said, you just rolled your eyes and glared at him. "i'm sorry, please?" you then give in. you kissed him and broke it later on, "i love you and don't be such a fucker." you mumbled and he giggled.

"fuck i want you now. i'm really hungry." he mumbled. "then go eat." you said. he smirked and his hand went down your thongs. "laaaance, i'm not in the mood." you whined. "then let me set the mood for you." he said and his fingers entered you that quick. you moaned and but your lip. "you like that huh?" he asked. "babe..." you moaned.

"fuck i want you." he said and just without any warning he enters you, like you have no idea how. "lance!!!! what the fuck!" you shouted. he was going so fast that the bed could break. "fu-uck, lance! ugh yeah!" you moaned. "babe, yeah shit. fuck babe you are so fucking tight!" he moaned.

"babe i'm c-cumming." you muttered. "okay me too." then you both came. he gave you a long kiss before laying down beside you. he cuddled you and kissed your neck. "i fucking love you, sorry again." he mumbled. "hmm, lance that's already okay. i love you too and i need some rest." you mumbled and closed your eyes.

"i love you very much, y/f/n." he mumbled into your eyes as you slept.

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