lance tucker | not the only one : i

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you were sleeping deeply when you felt something on your back. it was lance's hand. you bummed and smiled, "hey." he mumbled as he cuddled you. "late again?" you asked. "y-yeah. lots of doing in the gym." he stammers.

you turned around to face him and smiled weakly. "i love you, lance." he smiled as well and kissed you. "i love you too, babe." then you didn't know but you felt the gut to ask this. "uhm, lance? would you ever cheat on me?"

his eyes widened and he stares at you. "lance?" you asked again waking him up from a daydream. "oh yeah? sorry. uhm. no? never. why'd you asked?" you just sighs and looked down. "just crossed my mind." you mumbled and he hugs you.

tomorrow came. of course lance is in gym again and you just got home from your work. you decided to surprise lance today in the gym so you went this. as you came a lot of people were surprised. "hey, [y/n]? what are you doing here? haha." emily, one of lance's friends over here said awkwardly. "oh i just came here to say hi to lance." as you made your way to his office.

"yeah lance! fuck right there ah!"

"keep going, babe!"

"lance ah! let's do this more often!"

"we are now!"

you couldn't believe it. lance is fucking cheating on you. you felt a tear from your eyes and decided to not go in and make a scene. so you wiped your tears away and decided to go home.

"where are you going?" emily asked again. "going home, i decided to just surprise him at home. don't tell him i came here okay?" they just all nodded and you hopped in your car and drove home.

why would lance cheat on you? you were perfect. everything about you is settled? why?

later that evening he came. you were on the kitchen area washing dishes. "hey, babe." he mumbled as he hugged you from behind. you finished washing quickly so you walked away from him to wipe your hands. "babe? what's wrong?" he asked.

you still ignored him and went to your room. you sat on your bed and open your laptop. lance followed you and he took your laptop. "what the fuck lance?!" you shouted. "what do you mean what the fuck?! you're the one who's crazy here? why aren't you talking to me?!" he shouted back.

it's time. you took a deep breath and look into his eyes.

"who. is. she?" you asked. his eyebrows furrowed and stares back. "who the fuck is he lance?!" you shouted. "w-what are you talking about?" he stammers. you scoffed and stood up.

"the one you were calling 'babe' while moaning earlier at your office. because i remember? i wasn't there. i have never been in your office, lance. so tell me, who the fuck is she?!" you snapped. he then hugs you.

"babe please sorry. please. i wasn't on my right mind while doing it. please babe, please don't leave me." he begged while crying. you clenched your jaw and fist. "tell me. who the fuck is she?!" you kept on asking and shouting. you broke the hug and glared at him.

"it was... it was hope." your eyes widened and suddenly you just slapped him so fucking hard. "h-hope? fucking hope?!" you asked feelin' so weakly. hope was your best friend for almost 6 years. "no wonder why she isn't talking to me for weeks, tell me since when did you start doing this?" you asked calmly.

"babe let's not talk about thi-" you cut him off, "since when did you two start this?" you asked again. he sighs and looked down. "3 months." you felt a tear coming from your eyes again and you just couldn't believe it. lance & hope?! your fucking boyfriend and best friend?

"okay." you mumbled and you went into your closet to get your bag and decided to get out of the apartment you're living. "babe where are you going?" he asked. "none of your business." you muttered as you walked away. you heard lance punched something, probably the wall and you just cried.

what will happen to you now? are you still going to go back to lance and give him another chance?

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