s.s. | summer : iii

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the movie was amazing. it did go viral and even won an award. ever since that last day of filming, sebastian and i never talked about it. we did talk about business & stuffs but not about what happened to us back in the summer.

today there was a party going on at rdj's. he was a great friend of my family, we even used to hang out before every summer. as the party begun, the people were wasted and by that means, the men are wasted now.

"woHoO woHoOo! let us sing sEbAstiAn a haPPy biRThdAy!!!" anthony mackie shouted. it's his birthday? "no it's not." i turned around to see elizabeth olsen. "wow you are really wanda maximoff." i said and she laughed. "i thought you don't like movies?" i smiled, "well yes but i of course know some of the movies especially mcu because i binge watched it." then we both giggled.

"you know.. i know what happened to you and sebastian?" my eyes widened and i sighs. "hey it's fine. seb and i are like siblings. but i just wanted to tell you that, there was a reason why he did left you there." i scoffed, "reasons? i've been waiting for that damn reason, elizabeth." then she sighs, "i wanted to tell you but it's the best if it came from sebastian."

"i wanTed tO sAy soRRy tO [y/n]! i aM sO soRrY! i LoVe yoU, yOu kNoW?" my eyes widened and i took him out of that crowded area. i then asked him. "sebastian, tell me the whole story. why did you leave me?" then he sighs and he lay down in the bed.

"it was my ex. she was obsessed and powerful enough to hurt you. she told me that when i didn't go home with her, she'll hurt you. and i don't want you to get hurt." what? he is drunk, 100% saying the truth but... what?! "i don't know what to say, sebastian." then without any warning he pulled me close.

"i do love you, okay? i really do." then my eyes furrowed, "wait. does she know me? i mean how would she even hurt me if she doesn't know me?" then he scoffs. "she doesn't know you yet but she told me that she will do everything to know you and hurt you and i wouldn't let that happen." my heart melted, my eyes are watery, my feelings are crazy.

"i just wanted to know her." i said sarcastically. i'm beyond mad. "you don't have to. she's gone an-" i cut him off by sitting and getting off of him. "tell me who the fuck is that bitch who you said is powerful enough to hurt me?" he sighs, "alexa hall (okay this is just a random name😂)" alexa hall?

"alexa hall? that bitch?! oh god. didn't you know that the hall's are begging for us to give them money because they were bankrupt?" i laughed. "what? oh..." then i stopped, "for how long have you two been dating?" then he put his fingers up, "7? years?" i asked. "nope, months." i scoffed again. "don't worry. alexa hall wouldn't be powerful enough to hurt me because i am that powerful enough to hurt her." i smiled.

"i'm still sorry for what happened. i know that it was such a crazy ide-" i cut him off by kissing him. "shut up." i mumbled and we both laughed.

k's note : ok ik this is shitty but here we go. i couldn't find a nice ending😂 so sorry!

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