s.s. | arguments

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Another night of Sebastian sleeping at Anthony Mackie's House. Sebastian and You had a huge fight today.

"Tell me, what really happened?" Mackie asked the Romanian Boy who's soaking wet from the rain.

"Her work! She's choosing her work than me!" He exclaimed. Mackie chuckles and says, "Are you sure 'bout that mate?"

"I am. She's going home at night! LATE AT NIGHT! Then she will ask me what's wrong?! While me?! I'm waiting for her for hours?!" Sebastian exclaimed again.

Mean while. You are at home, crying and in call with Chris Evans. You are telling him what happened as well.

"He's really fucking sick. I'm always late because I AM FUCKING WORKING!!! Why can't he understand that?! My GOD." You groans.

"Listen, Sebastian might be a sicko-psycho sometimes but I know that he loves you very much." Evans said.

"If he loves me, he would understand." You sighs.

Let's go to the other side. Mackie sat in front of him and gave him a cup of coffee.

"Are you fucking serious Stan?. Y/N never acted this way when you aren't coming home for almost weeks even without telling her. All she does is fucking miss you and kiss you." Mackie snaps.

The Romanian Boy looks down. Realizing that he was so mean to you.

"Sometimes, try to wake up from your craziness. Drink a lot of coffee, it'll help you." Mackie said as he stood up and called Evans.

"How's she doing?" Mackie asked.

"Just ended the call because you called, you could've just texted me."

"Oh um sorry? Your highness." Mackie jokes and they both laughed.

"Yeah she's okay. Convince that sicko to go home to her. She's literally stressed." Evans said and Mackie agreed and ended the call.

"What? Have you realized that you're in the wrong?" Mackie asked Seba.

"I should go to her. But still thanks, Mackie. See you tomorrow." Then Seba went out of the house and went directly at You.

As he reached the house, he quickly went inside and look for you.

"Y/N? Where are you? We need to talk, very important." As you heard him, you gasped and texted him.

'Upstairs' Seb read your text and went directly upstairs. As he opened your door, he saw you sitting in the bed while staring at the beautiful view of New York from your window.

"Love? We need to talk." He said walking towards at you. You sighs and chuckles.

"Why would you still call me as Love if you're breaking up with me?" You said.

As Seb reached you. He sat beside you and talks. "I'm so sorry. I was wrong, I should've understand you."

You look at him and sighs. "Sometimes, try to understand me. Because me? I've always do. I'm always on your side, especially when it comes to work."

"Sometimes, just hug me and ask me if I'm okay when I got from work. Because I'm always tired and you are my only stress reliever. But to what happened earlier? I was surprised because the person I thought that would never get tired of me, already have given up."

Then Sebastian hugged you. "I love you and I'm truly sorry my love. I would never ever be like this again. I swear to any God alive." He said between tears.

"I love you too." You said.


Today, Sebastian and Anthony Mackie was interviewed in Ellen. Then Ellen came up with this Idea by asking the two some questions from their Fans.

"Sebastian, have you ever tried to give up on Y/N?" Ellen asked.

"I always get tired of our relationship every time because we aren't perfect, and every relationship have a lot of issues and arguments but even though I'm tired, I never thought of leaving her or giving up on her. Because for me, when you truly love the person, you will find a way to stay with her forever, not giving up on her and finding some love on someone else."

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