s.s. | hollywood crush

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I have my interview with Ellen today. Very exciting and awesome. I'm now sitting in front of her and after asking a lot of questions and telling some funny stories, she asked me this.

"So, Y/N everyone in this world knew that you have a major crush on Sebastian Stan." I laughed and so the audiences. "I mean, who wouldn't have a crush on him? He's just perfect." I said and the people cheered.

"Have you met him?" I chuckles, "I did but not in a romantic way like y'all are thinking." I chuckled once again. "So tell a story!" Ellen said. I took a deep breath and laughs.

"First of all, we never got the chance to meet. First on the Fashion Week in Los Angeles. The Avengers Casts were there but he wasn't because he was busy that time which makes me sad. Then second in Paris, Scarlett and Evans were there and we were good friends. They were hanging out around Paris with Sebastian and Mackie, until I met them and they told me that Sebastian went home early because he had an emergency. See? Like God doesn't want us to meet." I said and laughed causing for all the audiences and to Ellen laugh.

"Then finally last week. I was walking around New York and decided to eat in one of the best pizza in New York. I did eat there alone without any bodyguards because I wanted to be alone that time [chuckles] until I stood up and busy on my phone, I bumped into this tall handsome hot god man. It was him, the Sebastian Stan himself. Like what the fuck. I was mean because I was grabbing my pizza on the fucking floor. As I raised my head and saw his angelic face? I freaked out. He said, "Y/F/N?" I mean hE KNEW MY NAME?! I just nodded and rolled my eyes again because I remember about my pizza. He looked at me and smiled, "Let me replace that pizza." Then we both went on the pizza place. And that's where it ends, what a wonderful man." I said and they all aww-ed, cheered and screamed.

"So are you two a thing now or?" I rolled my eyes and blushed, "Ellen if we are a thing now? You probably have my invitation for or wedding day." Then they laughed.

"Since it's your birthday, we have a gift for you. Well last week Sebastian was interviewed here right? But what you don't know is we asked him a question and we didn't aired it on TV because it is supposed to be aired here. So enjoy watching." Then a video flashes on the huge screen.

"Sebastian, you know Y/F/N right?" He just nodded and smiled. "You do know she has. a major crush on you?" Ellen asked. He blushed and smiles, "Well yeah." Then Ellen smiled, "Is there a chance that you would ask her out?"

"ELLEN! I'M SO SHY WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT!" I pouted. Ellen laughed.

"Yes of course. I'm just waiting for the right time you know. She's awesome and gorgeous."

"What. The. Fuck." Was all I could say. SEBASTIAN WOULD DATE ME? I MEAN I— WHAT.

"So what can you say?" Ellen asked. I'm still freaking out, Ellen. "Well Ellen, get ready for the gender reveal of our baby." I joked and we all laughed.


1 year later, Sebastian and you are dating. You haven't told the world yet but until today. You posted a photo of you and Sebastian (this was inspired by blake lively's photo) kinda picking his nose. (photo above)

"I picked a good one." You captioned. Then the photo has 5,729,823 likes and a lot commented. Then Sebastian replied, "What does it taste?" You laughed and replied, "Ew you're gross!" Then a while later he posted a photo of you and him.

It was the screenshot of your tweet 6 years ago, "@yourusername  PETITION FOR SEBASTIAN STAN TO DATE ME. THANKS." then he captioned it as "Uhm... Ok." Then you commented, "Where the hell did you get this?" The photo has 5,662,883 likes.

A while later her facetimed you. You are eating your lunch at home. "Where the hell did you get that?" You asked. "Internet!" He chuckles. You scoffs and continues to eat. "You alone?" He smirks. "Yeah what?" He smirked more and lick his lips, "Nothing just... wanna see you... inner you... less clothes?" You rolled your eyes. "Why don't you just come over?" He smiled, "Baby. I swear to God, you'll be crying later." You rolled your eyes, "Shut up. Just go here." Then you ended the call to make him upset.

He hates that.

"Why did you ended me?????" He texted you. "Idk. Just come over you sicko." Then a while later he came. He hugs you and kissed you so passionately. "I love you." He mumbled. "Me too. I love me." You said. "So you don't love me?" Then you smiled. "Because I love you very damn much." Then you two ended up sex.

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