Chapter 1

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-The outskirts of Egypt

Kingdoms answered the Egyptian Pharaoh message as fast as they can.. after all they were followers to his kingdom.. and a meeting to all the kingdoms in such a short notice means urgency.. the numbers of all troops has increased greatly.. however they were fighting supernatural beings.. mere humans were almost powerless against them.. but there is no other choice but to press on and see to the end..
"Gentlemen, It is I King Akmankanen, I thank you all for your fast response to the critical situation, Its a true honor to have the chance Fight along side all of you.. If we all put our differences behind, we all United nations have a chance in Victory.. Egypt Will Never fall!!! " The Pharaoh's word echoed and was heard by every soldier in the Now full united Egyptian army..
Now He and his officials head to the battle field leading the troops just outside the city watching the monsters lead by Zorc come closer with every minute..

Aknaden looked his brother in the eyes and nodded repeating with the other officials. Akmankanen stopped his Court official and Chariotry leader..
"Solomn.. I need you and your forces to stand by and protect the city.. save your power and your beast if the city walls are cornered.. yes that will mean we have lost out battle out side of the city.. you will get a word and that's an order" He couldn't have any one argue with him at this point this close to the battle field.. "Yes, My lord.. take care my friend.. Come back alive" Solomn answered his king with a heavy heart headed back words..
"If I don't make it back, My wife leads the kingdom until my son is of age, The next Pharaoh is Atem son of Akmankanen" He muttered his last words to his friend grabbing hold of his hand very tightly locking their gaze. "Yes your highness" is the only answer he receives and wants letting go of his hand letting him be on his way... 

He looks his brother again holding his millennium puzzle, an eye of hours appear on all of the officials heads as they use their energy to summon monsters to aid in this fight.. the sky above opens a portal releasing flying monsters and the ground does the same, they raise their hands signaling the move forward order to being battle.

It was brutal.. unseen before.. death surrounded the city, its walls was covered in blood.. corpses of monsters and dead soldiers covered the ground till it cannot be seen anymore.. yells of pain and death, cries of help were all that can be heard miles away.. Egypt was loosing the battle.. It was obvious from the start.. but the casualties are far too great but there is no going back now..
The Pharaoh along side his officials fight fearlessly on the city gates summoning any monster they can to help their soldiers up front.. Akmankanen falles to his knees coughing blood dripping down his nose, mouth and neck.. signaling his energies were being drained.. Aknaden falls next to him
"Rise my king.. your troops can't see you Fall.. its still a long fight ahead".. he looks his brother reassuring eyes and stands to his feet whipping his blood off.. and raises his hands to show he is alive and continue controlling his summoned monsters..
"That's enough of you Humans" Zorc The Dark Lord with his monstrous dark blue skinned body the largest one to be seen yet with his red eyes, fangs and pointy horns Speaks with his very bold voice, as he shoots a flaming hot ball on the monsters the officials summoned killing them, a huge number of soldiers meet their death in this single attack and the city gates were broken.. making it an easy target to a wide attack..

Zorc laughs demonically, launching multiple mini versions of his last attack on the Pharaoh and his officials.. they look up in horror each and every one of them stepping in front of their king willing to sacrifice their lives for his... they now can only hear the voice of that fire comics falling upon them.. Until a strong, familiar female voice breaks this silence "Valkyrie ... NOW".. A fairy monster flies above them creating a shield of light protecting them all and the remaining of the city walls .. they looks back now to see Solomn along side Queen Edna and her forces ready to engage battle since the enemy now is within city gates.. Vallyrie returns to her queen's side nodding to her.. never could the official grow such relationship with their monsters unlike the Queen she has a strong one with all them.. She eyes her husband then moves her horse back towards battle, marking her loyalty by her actions.

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