Chapter 13

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   The Whole capital is up Early, Full of hustle and bustle.. Its quite, but yet so busy and focused.. everyone has their thing to do, and they must do it perfectly.. after all This is their only Prince and Today is his wedding day..   
  Everywhere Everyone is preparing for tonight's grand ceremony..
  Various Flower transported.. the most expensive of fabrics and goods all sent to the over energetic Palace, And oh it was Worse in there.. The Kitchen was the busiest, various types of courses and desserts prepared for the honored guests of the royal wedding.. Maids Cleaning every spot in the Palace.. The Smell of the best perfumes and scents roam the Palace Grounds and Gardens, Officials double.. No triple checked everything.. not a single Flaw should go unseen today..

   Atem lies in his bed hearing the rumble and mumble outside staring at the ceiling.. a small smile starts to draw on his face, silently praying for everything to go well as planned..
On the other hand Etmu and the Ladies all dress up in their finest.. and all of them look more than perfect..
Etmu finally Takes off her Warrior gowns and Puts on a Red hot long dress and lets her hair down.. her Make up is soft and sweet with flushed cheeks and red lips but she can't shake off the jealousy and sadness in her eyes and heart..
She thinks to herself.. It was all for nothing, She knew this was enviable, yet Couldn't prevent herself from Falling into this mess, her heart aches knowing it was all to waste.. she stares at her mirror realizing all is too silent eyes fixed on her, She eyes them all back crossing her hands..
  "Whaaaatt???!" She bursts out sick of their unexplainable frowns..
"Are you seriously not going to do anything?"
  Katrina scoffs scolding Etmu
"What about?!" Etmu looks back into her mirror pretending ignorance..
"Etmu, I have talked to Duke.. The Prince shares your feelings just as much as you do!!"
Euphyy sits next to Etmu holding her shoulders in her hands with symptomatic eyes
  "You've all gone mad! This is a Royal Wedding between The Egyptian Prince and the Greek Princess! The feelings of a mere girl are useless.. not to mention.... "
"Etmu.. don't let THAT stand in your way!!" Mana sits her other side also holding her..
"He had a choice to make and he made it.. now drop it!!!" Etmu storms out of the room feeling heavy hearted as her only chance of true Love slips out of her barehands..

-The Pharaoh's champers
"Father.. Hello.." Atem walks into his father's chamber where He sits calmly reads a book, Atem is hesitant of the news he is about to break.. but can't keep his only parent in the blue.. how will the Pharaoh seem if he doesn't know of such unexpected change of plans..
He tries to figure out how to put this into words.. but his father's strong agonizing voice breaks the silence.. annoyed but yet with a hint of.. proud..
"I know.."
Silence fills the room for seconds as Atem freezes in his place feeling cold all over...
"You are smart.. but not as smart as you think.. you really thought All of this would be taking place under my roof and I knew nothing??..
Here is what you missed all mighty son of Mine.. Messages sent or received by the palace pass the boarder towers first.. and of course of there is the palace guards.. but Dear Ra.. you are wicked.. beyond wicked.."
Atem drops his head smiling and giggling almost relieved but a little disappointed in himself for missing such details..
"Yet, It saddens me that you decided to take care of this all by yourself while I still live.. to bare such burden on your own.. I know you are not a child anymore.. but why wouldn't you talk to me.."
He gets up to hold his son close to him and looks him deep in his eyes hoping to get a glimpse of how this complicated brain of his works..
"I had a promise to keep.."
Is all the Pharaoh receives and ohh it was more than enough.. It draws a huge proud smile on the Pharaoh's face to realize his greatest life achievement..
He knew his little boy wasn't so anymore, he wasn't that helpless, weak motherless child anymore.. He is a Man with honor and promises.. a Prince.. Better yet a Pharaoh..

-The ball room
Its the hugest most wide and high room within all of the palace.. filled with guests of highest ranks and social statutes from all over Egypt and Greece.. outside of the palace stands the commoner with candles dressed in their finest knowing the prince will emerge after he is bonded to greet them..

Atem watches the hall from a higher floor where He, Tea and Andreas and some maids stand.. Atem witnesses what was supposed to be his wedding and can only smile in anticipation for the surprise he has for his guests.. He looks back at them noticing how nervous yet in love they are..
The look him back with thankful eyes as they head down holding hands ready to be joined in holly marriage..

The whole room gasps at the sight of another man with the Princess climbing down hand in hand headed towards the middle of the room where a Priest stands with a book in his hand.. confusion and mutterings fill the room.. but the Emperor stands his feet after getting permission from the Pharaoh who sets in his throne to the left of the room..
"It was a surprise to me as well.. But I stand here before you humble.. owing apologies.. first to my dear wife.. I kept this from you.. but I know it would make you happy..
And second to his majesty the Prince and the Pharaoh.. He is a man I would wish for my daughter.. and that is not based on his rank.. but his intellect.. however fate had other plans in store..
And last but never least my own daughter.. Tea.. forgive me my dearest.. I wish you and the man You chose everlasting happiness and joyful lives.."
The crowd cheers now ready to accept the change of plans and welcome the couple after hearing the Emperor's touching speech, the Empress is the only one standing excited as happy tears stream down her face knowing this is her daughter's fate watching them ready to commit and start their vows..
They stand infront of the priest who reads chants from his book and holds out a golden knife and slices a cut in the groom's palm first making his hand in a fist dripping blood in a golden bowl.. and repeats the same with the bride, then binds their hands together..
"You are now joined by blood, witnessed by the gods and these guests, blessed by our mighty god Ra..
I pronounce you now Husband and Wife"
The crowd claps as they kiss softly, they receive congratulations from all the attendance who bow down to them as they walk to the middle of the ball for their dance.. the celebration begins..

   The end of the official ceremony was Atem's signal to sigh in relief for a job well done.. he smiles watching them dance still upstairs finding no reason for him to get closer to this event in anyway more than he did..
"You know its a shame to disappoint your people.. They wished to see their prince happily married today.."
His heart jumps in his chest in joy upon hearing the very familiar, sarcastic voice behind him.. He smiles shyly tilting his head down as Etmu comes closer to lean on the fence next to him biting her lip as their eyes meet oh so shyly and briefly.. 
"I tried to tell "my people" but they slapped my face and ran away"
He talks in code stressing the fact that she gave him no chance to explain himself..
"Ohhh!! Did it hurt you all mighty prince?.."
She answers crossing her hands looking away embarrassed almost apologetically.. but she is pulled out of her shyness by her body being pushed hardly towards his..
"No more.. You're mine now!"
Her heart beats so fast she can feel it pushing her rips and chest wanting to come out and obey his orders..
  He is charmed by her looks that he is unfamiliar with taking in her every single detail of  in great admiration as he has fallen so so deep he can feel himself sinking..
Their eyes meet finally in sinful lust, allowing their eyes to speak for them, Atem lands his lips on her rosy full ones for a long passionate kiss to which they break from only for the humanly need of air.. only to kiss again..
  It was a matter of minutes until they found their selves in The Prince's private room.. still kissing under the moonlight for their Fates are to be sealed tonight..

-In the far distance
  The stranger sits over the ruins watching the lights emitting from the palace and its surroundings.. sound of cheers can be heard faintly from time to time.. but the darkness and shadow all around him fail such feelings to reach him..
  "The time is near brothers and sisters.. be patient.. for we will have our revenge"
  The figure whispers to the spirits roaming the village reassuring their misfortunate souls as he feels their rage increases as their patience runs out, fueling him with strong Ka and Ba spiritual powers ..
  He climbs down back to the cave, He eyes the tablet with angry filled eyes and mutters summoning chants to soon feel heat and power overwhelm his relatively small body compared to the powers, pain starts building up resulting in loud strong scream to leave his body as the demon summoning starts to appear above him..
"Soon now.. very soon.. MUAHAHAHAHA"
He laughs maniacally enjoying the mixture of pain and power as his voice echos throughout the emptiness and loneliness inside the doomed village..

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