Chapter 3

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-The Egyptian Capital Cairo
    Its almost noon at The palace Port, There stand the Pharaoh with his son behind him and two officials behind them waiting patiently enjoying the cold winter breeze.. They are finally able to hear a ship come close dropping its anchor near the port..
Shorty, The Emperor Departs the ship first with his same proud attitude headed towards his host.. followed shortly by two women now wearing scarfs over their head as the Egyptian tradition applies helped down by some of their maids who follow them after..
The Emperor locks hands and arms strongly with the Pharaoh
"Its been a long time My dear friend".. they both bow their heads down obeying traditions.. "It sure has, Its great to see you again" They continue to greet each other in excitement, "Welcome to Egypt Empress, and of course our young beautiful Princess" He addresses the ladies focusing on the one to become a member of his family, the Empress removes her scarf and smile while bending her knees in respect, her daughter following her action..
"Its an Honor your Majesty"
"Thank you for Initiating communication with us and finally grace us with your presence Emperor and Empress" Atem speaks in a loud, charismatic voice
"..a..and of.. course.. Princess" his voice shakes as his shyness begins to kick in.. the princess remains frozen in place and unresponsive to all surrounding..
"Now..Now don't be shy or rude.. pay your respects" the Empress addresses her daughter in a low voice but hearable to all the presence while pushing her towards the prince "uhh..uh.. T..Thank you your Majesty and Hello" she never raises her head or removes her scarf letting him see her face, she can't bring her self to look at him..
The man she is forced upon.. her soon to be prisoner.. she fears the unknown.. scared to face it.. she manages to say her words in low, sweet voice not to raise suspicion this early, "Don't startle her Empress, Give her as much time as she needs" The Pharaoh excuses the young lady's shyness

"Shall we enter the palace, a Feast awaits our gracious guests" he signals the palace taking his friend to his side to catch up on their way inside.. their laughs and memories echo the whole way inside as they now dropped the formalities and reminded of their young days.. the prince listened and smiled upon their childish stories walking only a few inches behind them..
"Such luck!! a handsome, very well build young man.. The sun definitely shows on his body and strong muscles don't you agree?, I heard his late mother was from the Village of Rice patties, they are known to be the most beautiful in all Egypt.. I can now rest assured and congratulate you my dear" the mother whispers to her daughter holding her hand who can now only see her fiancé's legs as he walks in front of her, her whole body shiver at only the sight of him.. her mind start to imagine his face as the devil's most evil face with terrifying eyes that wander every inch of her body with hunger and lust.. her thoughts are cut when entering the palace tall golden doors..

"There is no need to keep your scarf inside the Palace dear, allow Your fiancé to lay his eyes on you" her father tries to break her tension.. she only holds her hands to her chest even tighter never raising her eyes off the cold hard floor.. the Prince approaches her dangerously close in a way she never expected
"May I?" He slightly leans trying to meet her eyes.. she only nods unable to refuse as much as she wishes she could.. He touches the tips of her scarf making sure not to touch her hair or skin lifting it upwards like a vail revealing her face to him and his to her.. she never expected her mother words were true, she takes in the beauty that stands infront of her crowned by his purple crimson eyes with big bright golden earrings and golden Crown on his forehead, he was nothing like she ever expected, they stare at each other's eyes for mere seconds that felt like a long while, until she shies from his gaze remembering her eyes are not supposed to meet his, she forces her eyes down roaming the floor knowing well he is still looking at her at the same distance..
"Why on Ra's earth would you hiding that?" He questions sarcastically making her glance at him and smile shyly..
"Finally, She smiles.." she answers none but dares him to hold her left hand and touch her fair skin landing a small soundless kiss on top.. all the presents ohs and smile making the princess blush bright red
"My son, give your Fiancée a tour the then lead her to her champers so she can rest" he nods looking at his fiancée

He leads the way as she follows him silently.. "This is the Western wing where your chamber will be, on your right is the kitchen, on your left is the slave and haremlik rooms" he points with his palms in both directions explaining without looking back, he leads her outside "These are the Western palace gardens, you can find some of the rarest flowers here, your chamber will views it perfectly" they stand infront of the garden as they both enjoy the breeze and watch the greens all around..
"These are some fresh white Lilies, the yellow ones are Jasmine even though you might think they are Daisies, the purple ones are Irises and this of course is the unmistakable sunflower and Louts" he receives nothing from the princess leaving the garden, he holds his hand out at the steps for her to hold which she takes hesitantly, "This is your chamber, your Parents's chamber is in the Eastern wing with my father, its a long walk but that is my Wing in case you need anything, See you tonight, now rest it must have been a long trip" he points at two nearby doors one bigger than the other, two guards at each door..
"Thank you for the Tour" her same cold attitude still applies as she enters and closes the door..

Later that night there was a huge Feast with various delicious looking Egyptian and Greek courses Filling at least two whole table enough to feed a whole village, light music playing in the background.. all the attendance are Officials High priest, highly ranked officers and nobles who dress their best paying their respects to the king and the Soon to be Groom..

Princess Tea dresses the most beautiful in the room with a long tailed dress that follows her as she enters the golden ballroom met by everybody's wows... she reaches her fiancé's side who holds both his hands out for her to lay hers on top.. all glares and glances await something out of the couple.. she can feel the pressure laid on the young Prince infront of her.. oh dear Ra why won't this nightmare end.. she is pushed out of her thoughts with wide eye when she feel soft lips press on her forehead.. he is close enough that she can smell his rose scented perfume and feel the warmth of his body.. she blinks in disbelief but is smiled upon now taken to sit by his side up the short stairs on the thrones.. she thinks of this encounter all night glancing at him every now and then to see the depth in those stray purple eyes never speaking a word..

The ball ends on time,
"My dear, accompany his highness in the library after the Feat, where you can talk alone" The Empress orders her daughter wishing a pact is formed between the two who can only agree, she changes her clothes and try to take forever hoping he might get tired and go off to sleep.. one of the guards lead her to the library, she knocks softly hearing a far away who is it.. she stutters
"P..Princess Tea" hardly hearing a come in.. he also changed to more comfortable gowns with small glasses to help him read in such dim candle light as he sits on a desk filled with scrolls focusing on one in his hand now dirtied by ink as he writes down notes
"Its a honor to finally Learn your name" he looks down from his glasses in distraction.. its too quite in this library and they are the only breaths inside.. she approaches hesitantly still standing he takes of his glasses
"How rude of me.. my apologies, Is there something you needed Princess?" He takes off his glasses fully focused on her now..
"N..No, I..I just wish to a..accompany you".. "What an honor, please" pointing to a seat next to him.. she sits silently for an hour that felt like ages while he continues his studies..
"So, what's his name?" He breaks the silence with his alarming question never raising his eyes of a huge book he reads..
"Uhh..W..who your Majesty?" She asks skipping a heartbeat..
"The one you left behind.... come on now, You tears aren't exactly out of joy.. I could tell by your puffy eyes, red nose and cheeks the moment I saw you.. after all this is arranged marriage" she can feel her tears slip down her face without permission, clutching her teeth and hands bit finally gives in..
"Andreas.." a second of pure silence surrounded them
"You have fallen for him, haven't you.. You must have had terrible nightmares about me, Keen so much hate for me.. Andreas of Trojan is that?".. she pulls her head in the middle of her cries..
"I..I do you..K..know?"
"I was on mission a while back in Trojan, and I was to meet an Andreas, I know of your Empire situation, that you really need this collaboration to stand again and I know you are baring this for Greece.. But this is not the way.. princess are not bargaining chips.. I can't allow my self to do this... you have my word.. I will do anything I can to stop this, but you must know I don't have much up my sleeve, however I will try my best, and you need to know.. I won't force you into anything or hurt you in anyway! Now we need to keep pretending the way we are expected to until we find something, Do you understand that Tea?" he crosses his eyebrows with reassuring looks in his eyes filled with promise and determination, he ends with a soft smile that bring the princess into his arms hugging her last hope thanking the gods he is this kind, understanding man nothing she ever thought, saying a prayer of thanks muttering Thank you, Thank you over and over again tears of now hope and joy steam down her face as she feels there is a way out of her misery, and  is the one she least expected to have one..

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