Chapter 4

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After a hard day of training on the board the ship
"pheeeew.. I am exhausted I can't even left my arms" mana falls to the ground dropping her warrior fans next to her ready to fall asleep.. "Mrs Esmeralda never goes easy of us ehh!!" Katrina lefts her self up to stretch her muscles..
"Girrrlssss!! To the left" they all run to the left edge excited to see what Cornelia called for.. There is the shallow waters near the shore 7 men swim in the middle of the nile splashing each other, cursing around and practicing.. one of them tall with emotionless expressions and very blue eyes sits out side the water with a book in his hand.. the rest in the water 5 playing around like children, one with purple distinctive eyes sinking his face in the water leaving is eyes outside to watch the others.. "Do you think they are army men?"
"They are Indeed Training Kisara.. there is only one way of know for sure"
"NO!! Quite down Nina, Mother would be furious if we eve..." Etmu tries to stop Nina from even thinking about talking to these boys
"YOOOOHOOOOO, HEEELLOOO THERE HANDSOME BOYSS!!" Euphyy yells grabbing all of their attention.. Nina burst out laughing as they all hide.. Euphyy pulls her body up in her small training clothes catching more of their attention..
"Well hello there beautiful, tell your friends to come out, we can see you~!!" Duke the one with irresistible charms swims closer to their ship waving his hands,
"That fair skin and distinctive beauty, I bet they are Aswans" Kalim whispers to the purple eyed one
"I bet you a 50 gold coins they are Luxors, eh Seth?" laughs the joker one Tristin talking to the one outside the waters who only scoffs not even lifting his eyes..
"Neither of you is correct, Its clear as Ra's beams they are Rice Patties, that strong build that allows her to stand freely in such positions.. Kyoshi warriors" scoffs the wise one Shady..
"Well thanks for ruining the fun!" Kalim and Tristin swim closer the ship joining duke.. "What's wrong with ur friend are they shy or what?? Or can't they swim??" Euphyy teases, The boys only laugh signaling the others to come..
"You boys can't be wetting Your clothes now can you, what do these waters hide??" Cornelia steps up kneeling down showing her cleavage more while playing with her hot red hair in a very flirtatious voice..
"You, with the dice earring, what's your name handsome?!"
"I am Duke!, What's yours Charming?"
"Huuuh, Euphyy"..
"Well Euphyy, the water is great I promise you its warm, come down for a swim then"
"Are you sure?, I don't like cold water.." Euphyy starts taking off her clothes staying in her under garments, all the girls are leaning on the edge by now.. only Kisara and Katrina stay hidden, Etmu threatens her friend with wide eyes and low voice
"Don't you dare Euphemia!!"
"What? I can't hear you!" She jumps off the ship into the water wetting her long perfect pink hair and swim closer to the boys.. Cornelia, Nina and Mana follow her.. now all of them swim and tease around..
"Katrina, see what I see?"
"You mean the water going in a random different direction and our ship tilting slowly to the left?.. yeah I see it" Etmu and Katrina both look at each other in worried determination.. "At least one of them is a Bender!!, However not precise water bending.."
"You said it Etmu, I could feel it.. but I have never seen a male bender outside of the Patties.. how should we act, most our forces are down"
"Stand down.. we need to get them out of the waters." She now raises her voice
"Girls Stand down.. NOW!" now Katrina, Kisara and Etmu are on attack position ready to strike..
"I can feel another one now!!" Kisara opens her eyes looking at them in worry..
"How could this be? Two male bender?"
"Well isn't it our lucky day.. HEYY! don't move a muscle! We don't want any trouble.. let us be and we will do the same!" Katrina threatens the boys with fiery eyes..
"But you just got here, why the hurry" Tristin tries to persuade her to stay swimming towards her
"Tristin!! DON'T" The purple eyed tries to stop him from moving and triggering these warriors but too late.. Katrina now is in position launching fire balls from her fists towards Tristin..
The purple eyed created a water barrier as a reflex action to the attack..
"Huhh!! That's whyy,, Its air bending under water gives you the illusion of water bending!!" Katrina explains under her breath..
"Still, Air cannot be taken lightly and he masters it!" Etmu also in attack position dropping down his barriers with her own water bending they now feel the ground stakes with small not really hurtful rocks thrown at them making them busy dogging by the one out of the water, now also in attack position too.. The air bender pushes them off the ship into the water in a tiny windstorm..
"You could have came down yourself now couldn't you.. We win.." the boys all ohhh when the purple eyed pproached her so fast using his bending.. His eyes.. so familiar.. her hands now on his shoulder and his on her waist almost dancing in the water.. their locked eyes only separate when hearing a voice yell Girrrlsss from up the ship..
She takes advantage of his distraction and bends a huge Wave with the help of Kisara's air bender flying all of them to the shore defeated.. she pulls Euphyy who was ready to out with Duke and all the girls follow climbing back up the ship.. they boys only watch in silence
"Never decide the winner unless your enemy is either dead or unconscious.." Etmu whispers to her self, proud of her victory..
"MAY WE MEET AGAIN DUKEYY" Euphyy yells as she gets inside
"GOOD BYE, I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU!!!" Duke yells back kissing his hands and sends it to the girls who pretends to catch in and keep it close to her heart waving goodbye..
"Did we just lose to a bunch of girls, Mr Lovey dovey engaged man??!" he now turns to tease his purple eyed friend
"Oh bugger off, Dukeyy!" Making everyone laugh as he imitates her voice, The palace Horns are released marking their play is over walking out of the waters and the taller one closing his book.. now back to their normal lives..

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