Chapter 7

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  Etmu walks into the Vastest library in the whole wide palace.. she is amazed by every corner.. there is more than 15 stacks in this library, all full of scrolls in teaching bending, Kyoshi formations and Fighting strategies, Egypt and Military information that the Queen wrote herself..
    Countless books that look used their worth on every desk and table.. She studied here.. She stayed up nights here.. She learned and mastered every thing she knew here..
    The wall of the far left is what catch her eyes the most.. A small fire place above it hangs her Kyoshi rope.. a Shelf holds her Golden crown next to it gold decorated scarf thrown carelessly... and most Importantly Her Fan.. THAT one fan.. its said this fan still holds parts of her soul bonded by her blood and name all over.. its the one she used in her last battle, and preformed with it the sacrificial seal..
    Etmu gulps taking in the holly site barely capable of standing, shaking to her core.. she is ready to fall.. but strong helping hand comes to her aid holding her waist close to his body..
   "Its a fearsome sight.. I know.. I am barely capable of coming here my self.."
Atem hold her close seating her to the nearest chair smiling at her and shifting his sad look to the fireplace..
"I only bare respect and admiration for you, Your highness.. coming in here only Marks bravery, Using that Fan.. That is.."
  She is cut off by his firm cold words..
"I am neither Strong nor Stable as I appear to be.. Only looking at this fan Frightens my soul out of my body.. Holding it Feels like daggers piercing my chest"
   She regained her power quickly, walking swiftly around on her toes checking every shelf and every book in fast excited glances.. surprising the prince with her behavior..
She comes close to him holding on to his muscular arm standing on one leg..
  "But you Held it, didn't you?!" Then runs away still on her small excavation..
"I..I m..mean I..did!!" He answers puzzled
"Well, I thought your self confidence would be much higher than this.. Pharaoh" she reads a book her back towards him meaning not to show him any facial reaction..
"I am not Pharaoh.. and" he is cut off as soon as he tries to speak again..
"Yet!!!...This place is golden Treasure.. Its haven on Earth".. she looks back at him closing her book..
"Come on.. so much to learn!!" Her excitement wins her over, she runs over to him holding his hand and dragged him running towards the next Stack..
"How is your training with mother?" She asks with sparkly eyes and a flirty smile..
"Ohh you mean my torture, yeah its going great.. your mother is going to rip me apart"
They both laughed..
"Oh stop complaining, you asked for it.." she crosses her arms at him joking..
"Ohh trust me that's the part that hurts most"
They keep laughing and exchanging small conversations learning more about each other..
   They spend all evening and night together learning in that library, they learn a lot from the scrolls and more from and about each other.. one book after the next, their eyes meet, smiles spread, hands join, feelings and flirtations fill the room making them forget all manners of time and lose track of it....
  until they reach their limits, Etmu's eyes unawarely shut as she falls asleep peacefully on his shoulder..
  Atem's face flush thanking the Gods she is asleep unable to see him.. closing the book in his hands, realizing her ability of bringing him out of any bad mood he could ever be in.. her beautiful, peaceful sleeping face gives him kicks down his spin.. her fair wavy hair falling  perfectly down and shadowing her eyes only increasing her beauty.. he never felt like this around a woman whatsoever.. he never thought he would.. could it be??
He only sighs tired, unable to think clearly..
   "We shall continue later.."

- A couple of days later..
  "I could almost swear this is the same Place these boys were at!!" Euphy grabs Mana's hands and runs there standing at the shore watching the Nile waters flow..
"I wonder if we will meet them again.." Euphy still looking at the Nile asking as her hands come close to her heart in hope..
"Them?! Ahah, you don't want to see all of them, just want one.. You've fallen hard my friend, I tell you!!" Nina crosses her arms and teases her friend..
"Even if.. So What?! The heart wants what it wants..."
  She brings both her hands to her face almost hugging her self, her eyes are dreamy and full of fantasy.. All laugh at her statement and her actions..
They stand to her side enjoying the sight of the river flowing in silence taking in the calm, reassuring sound of the running water taking deep breaths as they relax their tensed muscles from excessive training they have been enduring for the last month or so..
   "Well we should get back to training" Etmu ends their relaxation session all agreeing in complaints..

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