Chapter 19

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  Bakura kneels to Atem's level watching his sleeping peaceful face calmly almost admiring the creation that led to the extension of his people taking in his every feature touching his silky hair and brown skin watching him so vulnerable tied to the stone that made him inside the underground temple, He takes his knife and cuts off his clothes revealing his bare chest where he slices across both ends Making blood drip down on the stone and a bowl he placed not reviving a single wince from the unconscious young Prince, seven spirit magicians show after Bakura marks both himself and Atem with blood, they begin chanting as Bakura summons them one more time down to this place..
The ritual was interrupted as Bakura feels the presence of the Officials near the barrier he placed around the village as they try to break in.. but most importantly the masked man who stands silently behind him watching him prepare..

"Have you come to me with your own will?"
Bakura winces annoyed by his presence..
"I take this to mean you remember me!"
Aknaden circles Bakura around the stone who only glances at him from the corner of his eyes
"Let's make things clear, You need me.. you underestimate the brat's officials but Mahad one of the strongest sources in Egypt and Seth has powers matching mine, and also the millennium rod.. I trust that you know the spell can only be completed with all the items and the boy.."
Bakura faces him now paying attention to what he has to say.. Aknaden finally stops circling facing the young bandit king
"I will help you get the rest of the items and hold off the officials so that you can get your revenge and I.. get to release the dark lord"
He makes his offer in a firm steady voice
"Am I suppose to believe the high and mighty priest is offering his services for the good and well?"
Bakura crosses his arms knowing his bargain must have a wicked end to it..
"My brother and his son must pay for the years I waisted serving them and all for nothing..." Aknaden says in outrage and annoyance but he lowers his head and voice almost defeated
"And.. My son.. He stays safe.."
"Hph! Your son will decide that for himself, for if he stands in my way I shall wipe him out! this also includes you, for you are a huge part of my revenge plan.."
Bakura draws closer threatening showing he has the upper hand..
"I am here to bargain, Let me prove to you my good intentions.. Akmankanen.. now.."
Bakura's blood lusting eyes widen in great excitement and blood rush holding off the magician's chants
"And all his officials at your disposable"
Aknaden adds smirking proud of his work
"I wouldn't let my guard down if I were you"
Bakura scoffs agreeing amused as he shakes Aknaden's hand locking their deal then teleporting once again to the palace..

Aknaden stares into the emptiness broken hearted realizing his son's has made his choice without having to say a word, in the middle of his pain and betrayal he glances at his full transformation into the masked dark sorcerer through broken glass scattered on the floor and his full powers.. realizing he has chosen his path as He transports to the barrier to fight his own children..

Atem's eyes start to open slowly and weakly as his skin had paled from the blood loss to find a very beautiful lady cubbing his cheeks in great concern and worry showing deeply on her face and sweetly smiles upon seeing him wake
"Thank the gods you're safe" she lets go of him and brings her hands together to say a small prayer then opens her sparkly eyes and fixate at him again..
"Who in the name of Ra are you and where the hell am I??!"
Atem takes a look around unable to make any sense of this place, Its full of things he knows and remembers very well but are thrown in a very untidy and unrelated manner with a floor similar to his library and a space like atmosphere that only make him more confused.. the lady ignores his confusion and keeps smiling at him
"You've grown so much, I can barely believe you were that small one day.. You look much like your father now.. I guess that was inevitable" she chuckles at her last sentence and returns to staring at him..
Atem takes a deeper more concentrated look at her ver familiar features and how much he looks like her.. his eyes start tearing up as he realizes who she is and jumps to hug her almost squeezing her feeling her smooth very long hair under his arms..
"Oh my child, I am just as delighted to see you"
She hugs him back holding him dearly, they let go after a couple of minutes of silent tears
"How is this even possible?"
Atem hold a hand to her face staring into her eyes feeling her soft skin as she takes his hand between her own
"I know you have so many questions but our time is limited.. I was able to leave a small part of me inside you at the last minute before I left this world so that I could protect you whenever I had to.. I've watched over you all those years my child.. I never left your side, but I never thought it was this strong to be able to reincarnate into your... Is that a Ring on your hand?!!"
She stands up and helps him do the same as her childish self and short concentration span -which Aknaden took every possible chance to mention- shows as she gets so excited
"Umm.. Yes.. I've married.."
Atem answers shyly with flushed cheeks rubbing the back of his head
"You Mister are in Love.. I can tell.. Anyone I might know?"
She smirks at him making him blush even harder and chuckle in embarrassment
"You would know her too well.. You're her mentor after all.. She's Etmu.. daughter of Esmeralda"
He smiles proudly
"Esmeralda had a girl who married my son, How very unexpected.."
They laugh and laugh even more after realizing they have the same laugh and begin to calm down slowly..
"How is it possible that I can see you now? And what is this place?"
He glances around once again letting go of her hands reaching for a bookshelf he remembers
"This is called a soul room, specifically yours.. Every energy holder has one, it functions as a manifestation of who you are inside, your true feelings and your most treasured memories"
She explains watching him get excited
"So we are inside of my own mind.. no one else has access to this"
He returns to her understanding quite quickly
"Indeed.. only you will be able to remember this.. but seeing me is quite bad news.."
Her expression shift fast and her eyes look away for the first time...
"You can only see me when you're on the verge of death and your body is barely functional..
I can only save you once.."
She summons her trusted Mystical elf who holds her hands together and chants making his bleeding wounded chest heal leaving a huge scar behind..
"You need to find the true powers within you, the King that you were born to become, inside your heart rests the balance between the light and darkness, you must learn to control these powers and let the Light prevail defending Egypt and saving it once again"
She touches his head and heart making them light up resembling the balance between the heart and the mind..
"Mother.. Will I ever see you again?"
He feels great pain in the back of his throat as he holds his tears
"It hurts me more than you could ever imagine to have to leave you again.. But know that I am always watching over you.."
Her tears stream down her face but is struck by an unexpected feeling making her swift to show what's going on in the palace..
They both watch Etmu and the Kyoshies fight Bakura and are defeated leaving the Pharaoh open for any type of attack..
"Now I understand.. It was Akmankanen.. He asked for me to be strong enough to meet you so you can inherit the powers.."
She looks even more worried holding Atem's hand..
"What powers? Is this reason for his illness?
I don't care about powers I just want him!!
Why use dark magic? It costed your life!!"
He pulls his hand away unable to sympathize with her
"Silence! He was acting like any husband or father would have.. Its his duty to think this way.. My life was my choice to make and I chose yours.. Its No one's Fault.."
She says firmly pressing her words, Atem's tears begin to stream down his face as all types of feeling strike him all at once..
He regrets blaming his father all for his mother's death hiding the truth from him for her was always protecting him and having to say goodbye to his mother once again...
His pain, regret, understanding and realization of so many things emits great powers passing through every vain in his body making the eye of Horus show on his forehead and beams on the millennium puzzle as the true powers rests within him and his responsibility towards his father, mother, wife and country and Begins to wake up..
"Go my child..May we meet again.."
She smiles at him one last time as she fades knowing she helped him reach his true potential in this Life..
His tear filled eyes spring open as he grins his teeth breaking the chains that tie him to the stone freeing himself, His Light shines upon this unholy Village forcing the barrier to shatter
  'How!! He can't have possibly inherited these powers! They died with Edna!'
Aknaden Whispers to himself as the Sheer light forces him to Hide away shielding his dark based powers declaring his defeat..

Atem and the officials ride towards the Palace  aiming for Bakura and his demon monster who stands awaiting them outside the palace with Diabound weakened behind him due to the light..
They draw closer to Bakura only to see his Blood stained hands, dagger and clothes and stray eyes with the millennium necklace, scale in his possession making them all stand fearful and wide distressed eyes trying not to believe the obvious..
Atem leaves his horse and runs past Bakura with horror filled eyes who stares at the emptily at the sky to reach a sight that will forever be engulfed in his memory.. all the Pharaoh's officials murdered with pools of blood around everyone of them only Solomn remains barely alive..
The kyoshies defeated and wounded.. and last but not least.. Etmu's eyes as she is unable to hold her tears any longer and her bloody hands and clothes as she tries to stop the bleeding from Akmankanen's wound miserably failing as her friends pull her away from his corpse and she refuses..

Atem feels his heart sink and his body all cold, all noise from outside are inaudible as he only sees soundless images of shouting and crying making him hear his breaking breath and his heart beat slowing inside his chest.. he reaches for Etmu who is still in shock and holds her close.. he remembers saying something but he can't bring himself to hear it as he shields her eyes away from this site hiding her face into his chest feeling her shake to her very core..

  It was too late.. Bakura wins..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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