Chapter 12

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   "I was thrilled to hear you're feeling much better your highness"
Princess Tea walks beside Atem fixing her eyes downwards with her small hands close to her chest uncomfortably as they take their usual morning walk around the Palace and its Gardens..
  "I appreciate you concern" Atem answers with small bow and fake smile looking forward into the emptiness with his hands behind his back never laying her eyes on her..

  They pass the Western training area their eyes falling on the training Kyoshi warriors.. Signs of tremblings and nervousness Show Quickly On Atem's face with dreamy, sparking eyes as soon as his eyes land on the one his Heart desires..
Tea witnesses this almost forbidden Love scene.. how his eyes sparkle and his whole body faces her direction in great attraction emerging from his chest where his aching heart rests.. unable to claim her..
"I see Love has knocked your doors unannounced as usual.. "
Atem's face went bright red as the princess hides her face giggling softly..
"That obvious eh?".. he shakes his head laughing in embarrassment..
  "I can only offer my apologies your majesty.. I am a Princess and..."
A reassuring hand grab her own and land a soft kiss on top of them..
"Fear not dear Princess.." regardless her tears start steaming down both her cheeks..
"I know you have done everything you can.. And I don't blame you, but our wedding is tomorrow.. its enviable.."
He wipes her tears with his thump, a frown on his face as well.. but he looks up almost cheerfully as he takes her by hand pulling her into continuing walking..

"B..But.. Your majesty, why are we at the docks?"
She asks with innocent teary orb eyes looking at her Fiancé in confusion..
"Oh.. I am meeting a friend.. If you don't mind of course.." He smiles softly looking back at her closing his eyes..
She looks back down unfamiliar with his actions, after all she doesn't know him that well..
Its only minutes until they hear a ship closing in.. "That's a Greek ship!.. Why is it here?"
Tea exclaims asking Atem who only watches her get closer to the ship in curiosity and follows here..
A few moments later jumps out of the ship a curly brunet man with brown eyes and a muscular build, dressed in the formal greek clothing with small crown on his head, his traditional Greek Featured face smiling at the both of them..
  Princess Tea can barely stand her feet staring in disbelief not believing her own eyes.. barley breathing as she can feel every single aching heartbeat inside her chest watching that man get closer to them..
"Welcome to Egypt my friend"
Atem and the man start their greetings as Tea watches them both with horror in her eyes unable to understand..
"Oh Where are my manners.. Princess Tea, this is Andreas my friend I told you about.. Andreas this is My Fiancée" Andreas bow, his eyes finally meet with his distant Loved one's teary eyes Destined to a future apart, he can't help but smile at her with saddened eyes.. she stares back at his still not a word is coming out of her wide open mouth as they walk inside with her eyes wide at the both of them exchanging small talk on their way..

"Oh I forgot this.. thing I must do"
"Of course you must do the thing"
"Its a rather very important thing"
"You're a prince I have no doubt about it"
"A very important and vital thing indeed"
"How could we have taken you from it!"
"I won't be long now"
"Or maybe you will"
"Apologies Princess"
Tea witnesses the most disturbing conversation she has ever encountered as they both flatter each other in none existent context.. her eyes jump from one of them to the other, as they toss messy, unrelated words around, Confusion and surprise overwhelm her heart and before she could wrap her head around it..
She is alone with Her True Love..
"Andreas?!?! Why are you Here?! What brings you here.. I don't.."
His finger on her mouth stop her from going mad..
"I owe you an explanation.. I know everything and so does the prince.. I have been in touch with his majesty secretly over the last Two month you were here.. and it was his plan for me to come to Egypt" He cubs her cheeks within both of his hands looking deep into her eyes hoping to calm her concerned mind..
"You shouldn't have!!.. You shouldn't come to see me marry another man.. I can't make you watch this and father would have your head if he knows you're here.. You should leave now"
She grabs him by the hand taking him back to his ship sending him back..
"My dearest.. There's a plan.. but we don't know it's success rate.. at this point we must try anything.. You Will Marry tomorrow.. that's for sure.. Now let me hold you and enjoy your company, for It might be our last time.."
The kiss deeply like its their first and last time, Tears stream down Tea's as she breaks the kiss and hugs him knowing this could be the last time she ever sees him..
  Their hands are tied now.. it all once again rests in The Prince's hands..

-The Conference Room
"I must say, I was surprised to hear you took our relations into your own hands Prince"
Emperor Alexander sits the circular meeting table with his officials around him facing the Prince and his officials..
"Its my honor, Sir"
Atem nods his head smiling at his Future father in law..
"Oh please, drop the formalities young Prince, We are Family now, And our agreements here regarding the Trade and relations are ecstatic.. even if you are being overly generous"
Atem looks down fake smiles all over hoping to find the right time and way to engage this
"The preparation for tomorrow are going very smoothly as well, I believe all is good"
A puzzling look covers Atem's face..
"Emperor, There are many details we need to discuss.. I can't help but wonder, Are the Greek elders on board with an Egyptian Ruling?" Atem finally finds an opening to start this conversation
"Well, Since you'll have your duties here in Egypt, The Princess and her Children will Handle Greece.."
  The emperor answers in an official tone raising more questions in the young prince's mind
"But an Egyptian Queen must stay in Egypt.. and I have the same wondering regarding future children.. will Elders allow only Half greek Princes to rule?.. and there is the Fact that the eldest must remain here to become next Pharaoh.. what if we are gifted only one Boy.. so many complications.." Atem tries to over complicated things in the Emperor's eyes hoping to find a weak spot..
"Young prince, you are overthinking things, all will be handled at due time.."
Atem sighs to his answer believing it's time and stands his feet looking down..
"Sir, I have a way to prevent all this unwanted trouble.. The main purpose of this marriage was the trade and relations.. and You just assured they are at best.."
The emperor crosses his arms annoyed not knowing where this conversation is going..
  "What are you aiming at Prince?"
Atem stands walks to a column in the huge conference room signaling to Tea and Andreas who have been listing the whole time to come out..
  "Let your country be Ruled by its Sons.. Pure Greeks.. everything has been taken care of.. There is no need to bind your daughter to a forced marriage and forbid her from the one she truly loves... Let her return home to her country.. and let Her children -Your Grandchild- rise to your throne.."
  The emperor stands his feet in anger and fury grinding his fists and teeth followed by his officials and so does the Egyptian officials..
all concerned about the tension that now fills the atmosphere..
  "What brings HIM here??.. Tea!! Did you have hand in this??.. Have you three Gone mad??"
The greek emperor finds himself caught offguard unable to react correctly..
  "Father!! Please.." Tea holds Andreas hands and looks at here father with teary, sad eyes begging for his reconsideration..
  "No sir.. It was all my planning.. And I will take Full responsibility for everything.."
  Atem steps forward with determined eyes only forcing confusion and uncertainty to fill the Emperor's thoughts.. hundred scenarios go back and forth..
  "W..What.. I..I... But!.. But The Wedding is tomorrow!!!" He finally speaks in the middle of his stuttering, Atem answers quickly..
  "And there is NO Need to cancel anything.. Preparation will continue as scheduled.. Only with little differences.. and we would be Honored to feature her Highness's wedding.."
  The Emperor only stares at the speaking young prince thinking he has gone completely utterly mad out of his mind.. not believing the words coming out of his mouth.. almost sure the Pharaoh knows nothing of this..
But.. for the first time he thinks about his daughter.. her feelings.. The fact she went far enough to involve The Prince.. her Bravery.. what she had to endure for the past two months.. But yet he thinks about her future.. the one he wishes for her, and the one she wants for herself..
   He watches his daughter's teary eyes grabbing hold of her lover for dear life, and her begging eyes landing on him then on her lover asking to be heard just this once...
  "Is this what you truly want My dear?!"
He releases his grind hand, relax his face and look his daughter with fatherly loving eye after so long..
  "Yes Father.. That is all I ever wanted.."
Tea is held close by Andreas after her statement pressing her wish.. making The Emperor nod to Atem..
  "What's you Plan Wicked young Prince?"
All the presence smile at his accurate naming..
  "I will only need all to keep the events of this meeting to Theirselves.. I will handle the rest" He swifts his head smiling with a wink and crossed arms to the crying happy Tears couple behind him..
"Hope you're fond of Egyptian style weddings"

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