Chapter 14

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The sun rises upon the now very untidy room.. all signs point to some sort of tornado has occurred here.. birds on the balcony disturb their deep sleep as they lie very peacefully and quickly..
Etmu wakes up first, she tidies her messy hair and looks to her lover deep asleep next to her..
"We've overslept.. its a matter of time until they start looking for us"
She wakes him up with her soft whispers only receiving moans of annoyance from her sleepy lover.. she is pulled back into his arms..
"Stay.." he begs kissing the back of her neck barley awake..
She resists the temptation and get up and to get dressed as he tiredly closed his eyes again.. she remembers all their encounters and remembers a certain one near the Nile as she gets dressed, she takes her scarf to wrap it around his neck kisses his lips with a soft sleepy responde as takes in one last glance of his features that she learned to admire very much.. saddened that their time together ends today.. very unready for what she is about to receive downstairs..

   Atem wakes up a short while later overwhelmed with thrill, joy and excitement, wanting to jump up and down like a child with new candy and toys.. he sits on his bed only to notice the scarf his lover left for him around his neck making him smile in great delight.. she was listing to him after all.. and believes in their traditions.. He holds it close to his heart, the scarf is infused with her scent that he wildly enjoys, he sniffs oh so deeply and moans kicking himself back to his bed, back to his dreams.. if only he wasn't a Prince with duties.. he would have enjoyed fantasying about her all day.. till they meet again..

Etmu walks into the shared chambers on her toes looking around like a criminal taking off last night's dress, knowing they are all in the baths.. and probably noticed her absence.. but hell she will not be shamed today..
She walks in the baths proud as if she knows of nothing Never looking at a single soul, while all eyes stare at her the moment she enters and starts bathing..

"Someone didn't sleep in our champers last night.." katrina teases while brushing her red hair.. pulling the Brunette from her memories 
"Huuuhh!! What do you mean! I slept in the champers I was just a little late..what of it?!" Euphyy bursts into them stamping her feet to the ground shy, flushed and angry..
"We already know about you Euphyy.. you are terrible at hiding anything.. plus you call his name in your sleep.." Cornelia scoffs as they all giggle teasing her..
"No I don't!!"
Euphyy gets even more angry getting them to laugh even louder..
"Duuukee!! Dukyyyy.."
Manna imitates the sounds she hear at night driving them all to cry in laughter.. Euphyy only crosses her arms
"Ohh yeah! Why don't we ask Mahad where were you last night?"
Manna flushes but crosses her arms exclaiming
"H..He.. just taught me some new spells.. and to improve my old ones.."
Manna attempts to defend her self..
"Yeah with his tongue down your throat!!"
Nina bursts back at her making Manna blush even worse..
"It was just one little kiss!! How do you know anyway??"
Manna keeps her defending attitude only to be struck again..
  "We didn't! You just told us!"
Nina answers pullets again all girls bursting into laughter making Manna go down realizing how she just got played..
"Ok great.. so Everyone had a great night.. but we were aiming for a little more detail, ehh Etmu!" Katrina cubs her own cheeks bringing her full attention to the girl who stands bathing with her back to all of them..
She looks back at them rolling her eyes smiling faintly pretending ignorance..
"I have no idea what you speak of"
Etmu answers their hungry curious eyes very calm almost aiming to angry them..
"Ohh I am sure the bruising, hand marks all over your body and the love bites all have reasonable explanation.."
Nina crosses her arms and roll her eyes at her making the girls stare at her body even more to spot the marks on her..
  "Ohh his majesty was so gentle indeed.."
Cornelia states after taking a good look winking at all of them..
"Oh shut up!!" Etmu gets uncomfortable with all the stares to her assaulted body
"We are going to call her your highness very sooon.." katrina teases making silly faces
"Come on.. tell us!!" Sweet Kisara begs for a simple hint of detail that they all wish to hear.. but sure that she won't satisfy their curiosity as she takes her clothes and leave the room rolling her eyes at them
"At least tell us how his room looks like..."
Euphyy yells in desperation for her voice to reach the storming out girl only to make them laugh and scoff desperately..

-The Docks
  The Greek ships are ready to sail back where they came from.. the Pharaoh, the Prince their officials and all the Greek guests stand for the last farewell..
Atem smiles at both Tea and Andreas who both smile back with great gratitude..
"I can't put it in words how thankful to you I am.. I am forever in your debt.."
Tea bows down to Atem and takes his hand
"You made me believe in gods and fate again.. I owe you my life.. its just.."
She smiles confused looking down meaning every single word she says.. but she can't help but feel wrongful towards him..
"What is it princess.."
"Its just.. you have done me the favor of a life time.. yet.. I don't even know your name!"
She looks down in shame and embarrassment, scared to face his honest eyes with such disrespect..
He laughs softly and gets closer to her ears
"Atem.. Atem son of Edna.. at your service"
She looks him back and laughs at his last comment..
"Farewell Princess.. and may we meet again.."
He returns to his official manners and stands proudly with his head high as he nods to her and her now husband..
"I shall write you.. farewell.. Atem.."

She boards the ship and waving only to him goodbye with happy eyes as all board the ship ready to sail.. Atem waves back at her in great joy and nods to her father who stands her side shaking his head smiling in disbelief.. knowing meeting such a young man is a once in a life time.. making Atem realize what he is thinking and chuckle softly..
  He feels his father's proud hands on his back as they waves watching the ships disappear from the Egypt Ports into the open sea..

-The Throne room
  "You must be punished.. and if your father doesn't have the heart to do it then I must!!"
  Aknaden yells at Atem who sits crossing his legs on his throne next to his father with a bored hand on his cheek and sleepy eyes in the middle of the vast meeting room with all the officials and Kyoshi warriors present..
  "How dare you!! You have agreed to a great deal of trades and relations with them with nothing in return!! Do you know what that means?.. other kingdoms will take us lightly!! The Pharaoh gives away gifts.. the Princess was suppose to bare your children and be in a lifetime of debt for your generosity saving their kingdom, How irresponsible can you be??!"
Aknaden stamps the table with his palms in great anger making his brother flinch to his action and yet keeps a hand on his head hiding his silent sighs..
  "High priest! That is not a way to address the Prince or a language to use in the Pharaoh's presence"
  Solomn holds Aknaden's shoulders sitting him down trying to talk some sense into his rage..
"I do agree the Prince's actions were random, reckless and unprofessional.. but he had great cause at heart for them.. not to mention there is nothing to be done now, However to follow traditions He must answer to this court humbly..."
  The Pharaoh decides to speak to ease this tense situation.. and the officials show they will not accept excuses any longer..
  But Atem is in another valley.. a rather affection filled one.. his eyes rests on his lover who stands high leading her fellow warriors, her eyes meet his own crimson purple ones fixed on her admiring it all.. they fall deep into this valley, smiles, blushes, unheard conversation goes up and down between them distracting them..
"PRINCE!!!" Aknaden yells through the hall grabbing everyone's attention..
"Huh! What?" Atem answers late in ignorance and dreamy lost eyes.. Only to receive a sigh from the high priest who is very close to giving up and a chuckle from his lover who succeeded in hoarding his full attention all to herself..
Unbeknownst to them of Esmeralda realizing the type of bond forming between them.. and she is not pleased with what she found out..

The meeting was dismissed early for everyone was stressed over the lack of accomplishments in the last two months.. for the prince is not married and not close to having any heirs nor is he coronated and the Pharaoh's health is not getting any better not to mention the Greeks benefitted from them.. and the Kyoshies status is not clear here in the capital..

The Pharaoh sits his throne quietly and silently deep in his thoughts but signs of great worry and concern cover his face in the now empty throne room..
"I can feel it brother.. great angry dark forces keep me awake at night.. they seek vengeance, they seek my son!!"
He addresses his brother who looks down trying to deny the fact that he feels it too..
He nods trying to rest his ill brother's worried soul.. knowing he is about to dirty his hands once more..

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