Chapter Ten:

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Dimtri still talked about his plan for peace in a odd way; it was like he was a small child on Christmas. However, I tried to be supportive, but hearing about his plan filled me with some kind of disgust. I felt "dirty" almost, and I felt like I sided with the king, which I most certainly didn't. I felt selfish, so I didn't say anything at all. The peace plan would be tried on the ALuna, which they were now dubbed. They accepted his term kindly by putting their own spin on it. The "A" meant not following the lunar code, as "A" would mean in Latin. We had learned more about the rebels through the spies the king had placed outside of the rebel encampment, which had moved since the destroying of Port Hallix. They lived in a tee-pee city outside of the ruined city. The people who had lived there had been relocated to other cities but mainly my home pack-city of Green Rain, where there was an abundant amount of open housing since we weren't located along a river or shoreline. We found this out, because even though a peace compact was being formed, the King still sent a pack of mercenaries to be used as spies and to attack if the ALuna refuse. We found out much more than what we had known before, like their leader is P. Cornelius Shiner, who is a convicted killer in the human world. He got out of his legal trouble by shifting, so he's still wanted. We learned there were about thirty of the rebel pack that traveled to the live at the ashes of Port Hallix. We still didn't know what their motives were or what there next move was, but it was a start.
I was still getting over Toni's death, but this time I just felt out of place and out of touch with reality. It was strange that after she moved I talked to her every few days, but didn't think about her. Now, I didn't talk to her, but I thought about her often. I must look sad or somber, because as I sat on the bed reading my copy of the Lunar Being: Werewolves' History, Dimitri, who was something that looked important, came over to me and hugged me. Then, as he went back to what he was doing, I gave him a look and bluntly asked, "What was that for?" He wasn't the cuddly type that did something for no reason. He was too calculated for that.
"You look like a sad kitten, a very sad, confused kitten," he said.
"I wasn't doing anything?" I countered, more irritated than I meant to sound.
Dimitri shrugged, "Whatever Alicia. I was just trying to help." He went back to his work that was sprawled across the bedroom floor. He had been hanging around closer to me in a protective manner, silently and inconspicuously guarding the door.
I got off the bed and joined him on the floor. "I'm sorry," I told him while laying beside him, propped up on my elbows. "I didn't mean it."
"I know," is all he said. He slammed his hand on the wooden floor in anger. I then, getting off the bed, I kissed him on the cheek, which lingered. As I got up, he pulled me by the waist, and we both looked into each other's eyes for an eternity. He told me, "I love you," before letting go of my waist. Exchanges between us were few and far between. Our relationship had suffered, and I couldn't help but feel responsible. Between long hours of work that even though we spent more time together (it was less meaningful), hard feelings, and other things we weren't as close as before.
Like he read my mind, Dimitri got up and then laid beside me on the bed. I then told him what he had told me, "I love you." He pulled me close, and we talked. We talked about really nothing at all, but it was the kind of talk that made sense/that made people closer. Then, I accidentally fell asleep in the arms of my overprotective, handsome mate.

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