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When I woke up in the morning, I was greeted by voices and clanging pots and pans and even a glass shattering. It was unnatural for my normally quiet mornings alone in the prince's suite, but it seemed to be almost comforting that people lived imperfect, noisy, and natural lives. They were all so "real" that they made me feel like a fake, putting an unpleasant taste in my mouth. I had slept better than normally, but I thought it was only  because I was exhausted. It took me a few moments to realize that I was still laying in Jonah's bed in his room, acting like I owned it while he slept all night on the couch. I felt a little bad actually. I heard a hearty laugh that I recognized as Jonah's, and I felt myself smiling. Internally, I chastised myself that thinking, how could I betray Dimitri like this. I wasn't like that; I just didn't go cheating on him or even think about cheating on him. I realized then that the correct option was that should just go home, get yelled at, and be back in the safety of the palace, but when I thought about leaving, my heart hurt. What was happening to me? I didn't know these people; why was I not willing to leave them. Instead of doing either, I hugged the pillow, his pillow and inhaled the thick woodsy scent.

Eventually, I got the motivation to get up from the comfortable bed and looked into the mirror on the wall. I looked rough and even winced looking in the not broken mirror. My face was broken out from not washing it properly for a few days, and I had no makeup. I couldn't even hide behind my mane of hair because it was reacting strangely after being dyed. I didn't think I could miss the maids yanking, prodding, and pulling me each morning more than I did in that instant. Truthfully, I was embarrassed to even think about facing all of them, and no one would be coming to my rescue anytime soon.
Or so I'd thought. A knock on the door startled me. "Hey, Ari. Are you awake?" It was just who I didn't want to see me like this.

"Yeah," I replied reluctantly, "One second please."

"Take your time," Jonah said in his rich husky voice that caused a flutter in my stomach.

I quickly grabbed a flimsy black comb that was laying on the dresser and dragged it through my messy hair. I stopped and dropped the bomb onto the floor. I don't need to impress him I told myself, because I already had a mate and a loving husband whom I care about. Jonah wasn't even a friend, and the more I allowed him to see my flawed side the more I could get over that he'd never love me.

I called, "Okay, come in." I mentally kicked myself for acting like it was my room.

He strode in, looking statuesque and beautiful. "Sorry, if I woke you," he apologized immediately.

"You didn't," I replied, "No worries!" I sounded so eager to appease him.

"Okay," he smiled, relieved, "Good!"
I moved to step around him to leave, and I said, "I'll get out of your room now..."

"No!" he interjected a little more enthusiastically than he probably meant to. He replied sheepishly, "No, I mean you don't have to if you don't want. I don't mind."

"Really?" I asked, "I did kind of just invade your room."

"Yeah really," he responded.

"This is going to sound so creepy, but your bed is the most comfortable thing I've ever slept on," I blurted out.

He cracked a smile, "You think so?"

"Yeah," I replied, "I do."

"This might sound really creepy too, but you make those baggy clothes work," he joked. I laughed and so did he.

"You know I'm fabulous," I joked back.

"You certainly are," he smiled. I smiled at him. His smile was like a ray of sunshine filling and warming the dark and cold bits of my heart. I couldn't help it; I mentally apologized for the millionth time to Dmitri. "I'm stupid," he said, frowning, "I'm keeping you from breakfast. Sorry I was being a jerk."

"You," I put my hand on his forearm, "Are not a jerk or stupid or keeping me from breakfast. Don't sell yourself short." The electricity drew me to him; I pulled my hand away breaking the charge.

"You sure about that?"he asked.

"Yes," I told him, "I can tell. Even though I just met you, you're one of the sweetest people I have ever met." For the thousandth time I mentally kicked myself. I sounded like an infidelity-driven, sappy mess.

"But?" he added.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"You look like you're going to say 'but' and something else that explains why you don't want to talk to me..."

"No buts," I shook my head, "You're great."

"You too," he said, meaning it. It was quiet for a few moments, then added, "We better go. Training starts soon."

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