Chapter Fourteen:

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The whole breakfast ended up being unpleasant for everyone, not just me. Everyone else had been dressed up, not that it mattered, because Genna was even more dolled up than all of us combined. She complained about her lateness, because her maids did not do her makeup as desired. The meal was not so shockingly cold, but breakfast was breakfast. Holding true to his "I'm not picky" comment, Dimitri devoured the sausage, bacon, and biscuit and gravy. He had been trying to exert the fact that he did eat, which really did strike a nerve in him. Genna, however, sat and glared at her plate. No one really spoke, so the sound of chewing felt deafening. I wasn't going to say anything; last night's encounter with Genna and the voice had been enough to scare me into being a mute. I tried to be brave on the outside as I believed everyone did but one the inside I was a mess. I took some comfort in talking my morning medication, but I grew sick knowing I'd need to ask for more.
Halfway through my plate, Genna said, "You know this is lovely, but don't anyone have anything to attend to? Or doesn't that happen?"
The Queen responded, "Why, Genevieve, you haven't touched a thing on your plate."
"My apologies because I'm sure you thought I still harbored the same tastes as that (she motioned to Dimitri) like I once did. Meat is a little barbaric don't you think," she responded, "And it is Genna."
"Well, Genna," Dimtri responded, "I think it's a little idiotic that you think that. We thrive on meat."
"We aren't wolves!"
"We are half wolves; at least be happy that it's cooked." The King and I both tried to conceal our smiles. The Queen looked appalled though. I sipped at my coffee to conceal what would've been laughter.
Genna looked longingly at the plate before exclaiming, "I just can't! Besides, I normally eat small sporadic snacks anyway."
The King then said, "So, Genna, tell us about your schooling."
Her eyes lit up only for a brief second, "It is remarkable there. There is so much to exemplified. Everyone is so proper there; there is hardly a moment not filled with a sense of royalty and prestige."
"Well, what did you learn?" the Queen asked.
"I learned..." Genna trailed off, "about the culture that royalty should have. I learned about the other creatures as well and their benefits."
"Doesn't sound too beneficial to me," Dimitri responded while taking a sip of his tea.
"Shut up, Dimitri!" she yelled, enraged, "You don't understand. You don't have culture!"
Dimitri smiled and laughed, pleased with himself. "Sister, didn't anyone tell you it isn't cultured to yell at the breakfast table."
"Children, please," the Queen replied only to be cut off by her mate.
"No, Ingrid," the King said, "For once, I think the boy is making sense. At least he learned military strategy, some discipline, and some form of respect. I don't know about this one."
"It is an impeccable school with a spotless reputation," Genna retorted agast that her father had for once sided with her brother. That never happened.
"I'm touched that you said I was disciplined and respectful," Dimitri replied jokingly.
"Well," the Queen calmly tried to defuse the situation, "Now we have her back, so we won't have to wonder anymore."
"Whenever this is done," Genna swallowed, "I will be returning, right?"
"We'll see," the King replied.
"But!" Genna shrieked.
"While this is being disputed, I have work to do. I really did enjoy the meal," Dimitri said earnestly while excusing himself from the table. As he got up, he kissed me on the cheek, making me blush.
"As do I," the King agreed after Dimitri had gone, "Ingrid please come with me." The King and Queen had shuffled out, leaving me face to face with Genna.
Genna stared at me with her piercing ice blue eyes. I got up to go too, but she said, "Please stay. I wish to speak with you again, play thing. You shall earn your name when and if you earn my respect. I see that you haven't told me brother; you may not be as controlled as I thought."
"I really don't want to hear this," I replied, pushing myself out of my chair.
"Sit!" Her yell blew out the candle in front of her. "I wanted to let you know that it is nothing against you, but I do not wish to be here. Had you seen the grandeur of other royalty you would understand how lack luster and classless this life is." She swallowed, "Well maybe not. You probably claim to be happy getting to play dress up and wifey with the prince."
"Stop insulting me and your family," I growled. "I'll have you know that I...didn't want this. I wanted a quiet life in my pack-city, but I had to reconsider. They may be rough around the edges but things could be so much worse."
"You'll never understand. I detest werewolves."
"You are one."
"You sound like my brother! You don't understand! This is pointless, you thick skulled stupid girl!" She had the same temper as her brother and her father. She hurled the candelabra from the table at me. I didn't see it coming. Only a small part of it hit me, but it was enough to leave me with a migraine and a wide gash that gushed blood. Genna then ran out of the room with tears in her eyes.
"I'm going kill her," Dimitri raged as he paced around the room. A maid who was also a nurse bandaged my head. He probably would've already left if he didn't want to make sure I was okay. The nurse said I would be fine. My bandage needed changed every few hours, and I may have minor concussion.
"Please stop's making my head spin."
"I'll go and deal with her then I'll stop pacing."
"Please don't leave me," I begged him. I was so scared to be alone on this floor. The nurse had just left, leaving me alone. Besides I didn't want to suffer the consequences that would come.
"I'm only not killing her because you want me here, just so you know," he replied. Since I didn't allow him to pace, he ran his hands through his hair.
My head hurt and left me so exhausted that I drifted off to sleep in seconds.

Thank you to all my wonderful readers! I have 150 reads, which is so awesome! I hope you like the story! I'd love to hear from you so please comment. Happy reading!

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