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I could hear a rowdy eruption of laughter from through the thin glass window. It was so full of life that I wanted to drink on its features, unbeknownst to me my whole life.

Bailey broke my gaze, "C'mon weirdo. They won't bite."

I hesitated for a second thinking about all the things that could be wrong: they could hate me, they could kill me, or think I was every bad word in the books, but I had travelled too long and sacrificed too much for this to just hightail it back home with my tail in between my legs. Cautiously, I followed her onto the wooden front porch of the rustic cabin and through the door.

"Aye! You're back!" someone shouted in a deep voice at Bailey. The room erupted into greetings. They obviously loved her here; it was quite heartwarming. Back home, a proper greeting was a handshake with a courteous word. I never knew anything like this circus of welcoming.

Then, she grabbed my arm and pulled me into the warm room, which got disastrously quiet. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop on the plank floor. Unlike Bailey, I was greeted by five pairs of eyes that were looking me up and down, trying to make something of me: friend or threat.

I put my head down in a kind of awkward fear. I heard some quiet foot steps walk up to me while my heart thump nervously. A girl a little older than me with a waterfall of black hair got up and greeted me with a hug. I was pleasantly surprised. "It's nice to meet you!" She was trying to seem sincere but came off as a little fake. "Y'all say hello," she scolded the others like a mother.

"Sorry, we weren't trying to be rude," one of them said with a toothy, genuine grin. "Come sit," the velvety voice belonged to a male with intense green eyes that shown like a light in the darkness. Although he sat, I could see he tall with warrior's build. I stayed frozen there, not knowing what to say or do, so I just remained fixated on him. He was highly intriguing, but I couldn't quite tell why.

Bailey elbowed me not so lightly in the rib cage, nudging me to go sit by him on the empty spot on the leather couch. I stumbled forward, because I could barely move my legs because they were so sore. Head still down, I didn't make eye contact with anyone as I took my seat on the end of a leather couch that I sunk into awkwardly. Then Bailey rolled her eyes at me jokingly as she sat down on an ottoman that matched the black leather sofa.

"Now, guys before I kick all of your butts in Bullcrap," Bailey said, referencing the deck of playing cards that were on the coffee table in the center of the room, "This is...well she can introduce herself."

Bailey wasn't sure what to call me, since we had decided to hide my true identity in case any unwanted spies had followed. Again, I involuntarily commanded all eyes  on me. Finally, after an uneasy breath, I quickly coughed out, "I'm...Ari." I smiled smugly at my accomplishment. The name ft comfortable coming out of my mouth, because that is a shortening my middle name, Arabella. I secretly called myself Ari to feel different or brave.

"Nice to meet you, Ari," warmly stated the boy with the piercing green eyes, "I'm Jonah."

The next boy beside him was not as bulky or as tall as "Jonah," but still was enormous compared to the roy physique I was used to. Royals didn't have to train, hunt, or defend; we had others to do that. He stated, continuing the cycle, "Jesse." The two were nearly close copies like an artist's masterpiece and another artist's interpretation with a few defining features for each  like Jonah's  stubble and captivating nature and Jesse's shaggier haircut or lack thereafter and darker eyes. "We're twins," he added.

In a circle, they began to share their names with me.  "I'm Carla," shared the the girl who had gotten up to hug me when I came in. She gave me a stunning smile which I still felt was insincere, but maybe I was just being too judgmental.

Another boy who had unnatural onyx-colored hair that hung over his right eye which left a dark brooding eye uncurtained by his hair. "Chad." He looked annoyed with the whole situation at hand .

"I'm Bobby!" A little boy smiled a familiar grin that I immediately recognized. Then it hit me! He had been the little boy with Bailey and the older man who came to gain support for the resistance!

I regained composure after this little discovery, and I decided that I would stick with my new persona. Ari would be kind of like an alter ego, who I wanted to be. "It's a pleasure to meet you all," I said much more confidently than my stuttering introduction.

"See, she's polite unlike you," Carla stated throwing a pillow and hitting Jesse.

"I'm hit!" Jesse cried and dramatically fell onto his twin brother's lap. The room erupted into laughter mainly by Bobby, Carla, and Bailey. Jonah and I chuckled a little. Chad just brooded.
Jonah shoved his smaller brother off and replied, "Okay, drama queen quit showing off." Then he pushed himself off of the couch and asked, "Before we start this, anyone want anything?"

Something peculiar had happened when his hand brushed my knee accidentally, a surge that felt almost electric penetrated right through me. When I looked at him, I got butterflies in my stomach. No, Alicia! you are not here to find love I told myself scornfully. I tried to tell myself to think about all the horrible things I'd already put Dimitri through just today. I felt disgusted by myself. I might have been at odds with Dimitri at the moment, but I didn't want to hurt him in any more ways than I knew I already had.

"Mountain Dew bae," his brother called out.

"I'm not getting you it because you called me bae, which means poop in Danish."

"Pretty please, love?" His brother batted his eyelashes at him, only to get hit by another flying pillow.

"Whatever. Anyone else?"

"Two colas please," Carla replied.

"You're a craphead," Bobby accused of Bailey pointing at her with his tongue out.

"No! It's late; you should've going to bed," Bailey replied, trying to be calm.


"Fine! Get him something caffeine free," Bailey replied loudly. "Don't call me a craphead, craphead."

He crouched down to get on eye level with me. "You want anything, Ari?"
My insides got all awkwardly work looking into his eyes. I felt like I was on fire. I broke his gaze and shook my head, "No, than...." I was really thirsty from my journey, hungry too. "I'm sorry...what do you have?"

"It's no problem," he said, smiling at me, making me melt a little. Get it together, Alicia! You have a husband whom you love; you are not a tramp. "Ah...cola, Mountain Dew, lemon iced tea..."

"That sounds good; thank you."
He winked at me. "No problem."

Jonah came back moments later with his arms full of cans and a cup for me. He handed it to me then tossed his brother a soda that exploded all over him whenever he opened it. "Jonah, you are such a.."

"Don't you dare say anything like that in from of Bobby!" Carla yelled interrupting him.

"Craphead," he sighed defeatedly.

"Love you too Bae," Jonah laughed.

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