Chapter Eighteen:

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"How lovely," Dimitri sarcastically said, "The vampire goes free, I didn't get to use my stake, the castle is sealed off, and my mate lied to me." He waved the stake in the air. He was angry, but a white hot kind of anger that burned hotter but seemed more secure. I got up and stepped back with my hands up. I didn't think he'd hurt me; I hoped not. I couldn't be entirely sure, however, because he still was a werewolf and one with a flaring temper.
"Pull the stake down," my voice shook, "and please, calm down."
"Oh, I am calm," he said before dropping the stake to the floor. "Any other requests?"
"No," I responded in a quiet voice.
"No?" he raised an eyebrow, "Well, I have some of you then."
"Come, sit. I'm not mad." I obeyed, and I sat alert in my chair. "I'm disappointed because you lied."
"I didn't lie," I defended myself, "I didn't."
"Okay, well you only betrayed me then. Better?" He was so cold and closed off. I hardly recognized him; he reminded me more of his father. "Any reason perhaps?"
"Yes," I said, looking at the floor and not at him, "I was scared. I didn't know what the vampire would do." I looked up; it looked like some ice had melted from his face. "Genna said not tell anyone or else, and I didn't know what the or else entailed." I told the whole story of how I was spying on Genna, was discovered, and threatened. I didn't hide anything.
"Anything else you happened to be hiding from me?" he asked.
"Yes." My voice echoed through the room.
"Oh?" he asked.
Then, I spilled everything about my heart condition to him and how I needed more medication. I told him, "I was afraid it would make me look weak."
"No," he replied softly. "Don't worry about it. I will deal with it immediately. Don't be mad if I hound you about taking it."
"Okay," I replied softly.
"Alicia, look at me." I looked right into his wonderful blue eyes that I loved about him. I had seen them full of so much emotion: happiness, pain, hope, anger, disappointment, exhaustion, and countless others. Right now, they read understanding. "I was so I disappointed that you'd think I wouldn't protect you, or that you didn't trust me enough. I was angry and even a little hurt. You have to promise never to hide anything else from me."
"I promise," I immediately said.
"You are my world," he said quietly, "Don't shut me out. He put his hand out, "C'mon, let's go to bed. I'm tired. It's been a long day."
"Agreed," I replied as I took his hand. We walked in silence with my hand in his. It was a comfortable silence not one that was awkward or suffocating.
In front Genna's room, I saw two guards clasping onto the handle of the swords that were on their sheaths, which hung by their right hips. My heart sort of ached for Genna in a way; I wouldn't understand why she'd love a vampire, but it wasn't my place to guess. I didn't even want to think about her now. We both were covered in dirt so we got showers. I took the liberty of taking mine first. When Dimitri came out, I bandaged the cut on his nose. He laughed at me, and said, "Really, it's not that bad."
"I don't want blood everywhere." It really wasn't that bad, but I felt like putting a bandaid on it.
"I look lame like I got beat up," he retorted when he saw his reflection.
"No, you look adorable," I stood on the ottoman in front of our bed. I kissed him right where the bandage was.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked right into my eyes, which right now we were eye level. "I love you, Licia."
"I love you too, Mitri."

Crisis thankfully averted.

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