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"Uh, Bailey?" I interrupted her stride toward the hallway, "Where am I supposed to sleep?" It was late, and I was exhausted from a night of laughter and card games. I declined to play, telling them I only wanted to observe, but Jonah refused to take that as a proper answer. The rest of the night he took to being my card game teacher. I can't say I minded him having to sit closer to see my cards.

"Oh, I forgot about that..." She scratched her head, "Umm...you can sleep in my bed. I guess I'll take the couch."

"No, I got it," Jonah volunteered with a yawn, "Bailey, you can take my bed. I swear I changed the sheets this morning! Scout's honor." Then he did that three finger thing.

"Why doesn't she just sleep in your room?"

"Ah...it's kinda messy..." Jonah stammered.

"It's not worse than Jesse's, so I'm sure she'll be fine. Right? Right. Night people!" Then she bounced down the hallway to an unfamiliar room and closed it behind her, and I was left alone...with Jonah.

"I just have hurry up and get some stuff then I'll get out then the room's a yours."

"No, no! Take your time; it's your room," I told him. I stood in the living room by myself just looking around. I could only see trees and snow outside, and I was mentally trying to settle into this new life.

A few minutes later, Jonah came out in fuzzy blue pajama bottoms and a grey tee-shirt that was tight around his muscular arms. "What was that?"

"What?" I asked confused.

"That growling noise..." he continued.

I was trying to ignore it. I replied honestly and quietly, "That was my stomach."

"Gosh I'm stupid. You must be starving. Sorry Bailey doesn't think sometimes. I get sick when I don't eat."

"No, it's not your fault. I'm fine, really," I replied, lying.

"You like pancakes?"
"What?" I was confused.

"Do you like pancakes?" he asked again.

"Well then c'mon; I'm making pancakes." I followed him into the small kitchen that looked it belonged in a dollhouse rather than I real home. I was too used to large industrial spaces than homey, intimate spaces. Wordlessly, Jonah got out all the things he needed: biscuit mix, an egg, oil, and a bag of chocolate chips. I stood in the doorway just watching him work; I had never seen any guy ever cook before, even all of the cooks in the castle were females. "I'm such a jerk," he turned to me. "I'm not used to having someone else with me when I make my midnight meal...come sit." He patted the countertop.

"Are you sure? Is that allowed?" I asked.

He didn't speak but instead made an exaggerated gesture to the same spot on the counter. I cracked a smile. He was so different from serious Dmitri. Jonah was laid back, sweet, funny, and talkative. I bounded over, and I hopped up onto the counter as gracefully as possible.

"So...where you from?" He asked, trying to make conversation as we flipped and removed pancakes from the frying pan.

"Way up north..." I couldn't reveal where exactly, and for some reason, a sharp feeling stabbed me in the stomach when I half-lied to him.

"Ah..never been there. I'm actually from human Tennessee."

"Whoa!" I couldn't help but be impressed.

"Yeah," he replied sheepishly, "I hope you like chocolate chips...I can make you some without, if you want."

"Chocolate chips are perfect," I replied smiling at him. "I can't promise I'll be much help, but do you want any assistance?"

"None at all," he responded with a smile, "I'm actually done making the batted anyhow."

A little while later, after all the flapjacks were cooked and flipped,
he handed me a paper plate of the pancakes. My ravenous hunger overtook me, and I inhaled them. He ate slower than I did but still scarfed down his too. "I'm not much for breakfast," he replied truthfully.

"That's what happens when you eat pancakes at two thirty," I teased him.

When our fingers brushed as he took my empty paper plate to throw into the waste paper bin, I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest in a good way. What was I thinking! I didn't even know him; let alone, I was married!

"I'll show you to my room," he said as he crossed the small kitchen and flicked the light off. I hopped off my spot on the counter and followed him down the small hallway to the room that was only two doors away from the kitchen.

"I apologize in advance," he said nervously while revealing a room with books scattered everywhere along with workout Dumbbells and CDs.

"Don't apologize," I said, "It's nice!"

"Lies," he responded, chucking a little.

"No really," I said earnestly, "Where I'm from things aren't like this. It's personal; I like it." I meant it.

"Thanks," he replied , rubbing his arm, "I'll let you get to bed now." He turned to leave and shut the door.

"Jonah, wait!" I called after him.

"Whatcha need?" He replied turning around.

"This is embarrassing, but can I borrow some clothes?" I looked at the floor, not making eye contact.

"I doubt they'll fit; is that okay? I can wake Bailey."

"Totally fine," I answered.

"I'll see what I can do," he replied to me.

He handed me a pair athletic shorts and a t-shirt after he dug through a dresser of his things I looked up at him, "Thank you!"

"No problem," he replied with a warm smile. "Sleep well. If you need anything, I'm right down the hall."

I went to bed that night in a strange boy's clothes in his bed in his room, only a few feet away from him, but I never felt more at peace.

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