Chapter Sixteen:

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Alicia's dress for the ball, pictured-
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The ball was basically normal, but Genna's one-sided conversation with me. I wondered what Genna had been talking about, because I still had no idea what I "couldn't understand" and if it really made up for my new scar. Couldn't I actually understand or was she underestimating me? Genna had taken a 360 degree change from the last time I had seen her. She even grinned at me. I was on edge; something about her bothered me. For good reason too, she did give me a minor concussion.
Genna acted much more civil and humane to everyone. She was still more professional and stiff than normally. Maybe her time held up in her room changed her. I couldn't be sure; I didn't trust her. The meal included a salad that normally wasn't there for Genna's meat-hating sake. I did see my parents there, and I talked to them for a little while. I actually did miss them. I think they missed me too, but they were enjoying the luxury of their new status. They beamed when some very important people came to talk to them. I didn't really mind being blown off by the national general; it was just good to see my parents again. It was weird to not see them everyday let alone every month. My mother looked good today; she was full of color and life. It made me feel good on the inside.
The night was strikingly normal. There were really no abnormal happenings. I hadn't seen Genna for awhile, which was okay by me.
I stepped onto the balcony to get some fresh air. It was pretty warm inside, so the cold air rushing over me felt wonderful. I peered into the forest before me; it called to me like an old friend. The moon was full and round in the night sky. My inner wolf was begging to be unleashed to run, to be free, and to howl. The sky was aflame with bright stars. I loved to watch the stars; up here, in the north, one could see so many stars without the interruption of big cities and light pollution. I felt close to the ancestors and the Great Wolf in the sky. It made me feel so small, but it made me feel so empowered. Nature's energy surged through me like the rushing water of a river.
Then I saw a disturbance in the trees that stopped me from the peaceful feeling that had broken my peaceful state. A huge wolf had broken through the brush and thicket. The wolf was chasing after a human-like figure that looked like a black phantom. Then seconds behind, a smaller tan wolf was right behind the larger black one. I recognized the huge black wolf anywhere. I didn't feel myself shift, but I leapt from the marble balcony and felt my paws hit the dirt with a hard thud. I tore after them as fast as my wolf body could go. I got there fairly quickly because I was a smaller wolf. I could move faster; I just lacked in the power category.
The scene before me stopped me in my tracks. The huge black wolf had jumped on top of the man dressed in black. Then, the tan wolf was in mid-air jumping with it's teeth bared and snapping. The wolf was tearing at him, but I noticed that this wolf was about as big as me. I then without thinking pounced onto the wolf in return. I wrestled the wolf off of Dimitri's back. We rolled around on the leafy forest. I had the top advantage, but the wolf was strong. Underneath me, the tan wolf shifted back into a dirty, beat-up form of Genna. She shouted with desperation, "No! Don't kill him!"
I then shifted back caught off guard. I then recognized the man pinned dangerously under Dimitri's huge paw. It was the vampire from my dream and the man in the closet! Like Genna's, own dress was now in tattered shreds...It had a huge rip in the side. Genna's skirt was in ribbons almost like it was designed that way, except for the dirt that was smeared on her face. It was a muddy day out today.
Dimitri who had shifted back already was still overpowering the vampire, who he was actually sizably bigger than. It was strange to think that Dimitri was viewed as small to his parents. His mother was his sister's height, but I had her pinned to the ground even though I was only around five foot. He pulled the vampire up from his collar then firmly placed his hand around the vampire's neck. I let Genna up, but I didn't hold unto her. She probaby would've been able to fight her way away easily in her mortal form. Dimitri eyed me and smirked, "Thanks babe, but I didn't really need your help." I puffed some air out of my cheeks; I thought I helped...
"I mean you no harm," the vampire said in a stately voice.
"Yeah right,"I responded, "which explains why you had to hide and were in dreams!" Oops....
"You knew," Dimitri growled, "And you didn't tell me. could you betray me like that!" He got close to me so no one else could hear, "Don't you dare say another word. I'm so disappointed in you. We will talk about this later." Dang it...dang stupid mouth.
"Dimitri stop! Let him go you monster! Let us leave!" Genna cried out, grabbing his arm trying to make him let the vampire go.
"I swear to the Ancestors, Wolf in the Sky, and the Lord Above if you don't *swear word* shut up, I'll snap his neck," Dimitri growled, "then I'll shove a stick through his heart."
Genna still held onto him, having her dragged behind him. As soon as we reached the main door, a Guard grabbed hold of her arm so she wouldn't escape. She obviously cared about this vampire enough not to run when she had the chance. If she didn't, the vampire would've probably been dead by now. We snuck by the party and into the library where we sat in silence, waiting for the king. Genna sobbed, and I sat there awkwardly, knowing things wouldn't be good after this was over.

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