Chapter 5: Sakura's Response

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Chapter 5: Sakura's Response

Caren sipped her tea, purposefully pausing for dramatic effect. She gingerly set the cup upon its plate, then said, "This Holy Grail War is already compromised... No, I suppose it's more accurate to say that the core principles behind these conflicts have never had any bearing from the onset."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, appearing genuinely confused. Medusa and Connla remained silent, not wishing to interrupt the impending discussion.

"Tell me, Matou Sakura," Caren faced the bewildered teenager. "How much do you know of the Holy Grail War and its rules?"

"The rules?" Sakura mumbled. "Well... Grandfather told me that it is my duty to the Matou family to defeat the six other Masters in a competition for the Holy Grail, which happens once every several decades. However, that doesn't mean we participants are allowed to do as we please. We must keep the other civilians out of danger at all times so that news of the War does not spread. If anyone winds up seeing too much, then they must be killed to ensure their silence.

"Each Master is granted a Servant that is exclusive to the seven classes, and the final Master-Servant pair standing is declared the victor... What else is there...? Oh yes, any Master who loses their Servant is allowed to seek asylum with the local Church. The impartial arbiter of each War, assigned by the Holy Church, is tasked with safeguarding the Masters who no longer can participate. Plus, no Servants are allowed to invade the arbiter's neutral grounds. And then-"

"Stop. That is enough," Caren snapped.


"Now think about what I just said."

Sakura pondered over the priestess' first words – that the War's principles 'never had any meaning from the onset'. She wondered, "I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to tell me, Sister."

"Come now, can't you put two and two together?" Caren sighed in consternation. "Basically, it means all of those rules are worthless. My Servant and I already know this to be the case."

"How so?"

"'The competition for the Holy Grail happens once every several decades,' as you said. Yet it's only been 10 years since the last one. You should remember all about it – that's when your father Tohsaka Tokiomi sold you out to the Matous, and you began to undergo Zouken's grueling training to become a first-rate Magus."

Sakura's face paled in horror. "H-How do you-!?"

"I've done my research. At the very least, I know everything about the three primary Mage families that always participate in these battles. The other Masters are more or less unknown to me, but the Tohsakas, Matous and Einzberns are practically open books for the Church to peruse. Your histories, lineages, abilities and successors are all there. Not even your private lives are exempt."

"Ah..." the violet-haired girl started to feel lightheaded. "Our... private lives..."

"Such research is strictly for intelligence gathering. Rest assured, all information we collect is strictly confidential. I can guarantee that there will be no threat of blackmail on my part."

Behind Caren's seat, Connla quietly shot her false Master a dirty look. From what she could tell of the nun's personality, she had a feeling that was exactly what was going to happen.

"Anyway," Caren continued, "that's not what we're here to talk about. You should know that this War is happening far too soon in contrast to what history dictates, though given the odd circumstances behind the previous War, that may or may not be surprising. Still, that's not the only irregular factor I want to unveil to you. Earlier you were wondering how Bazett lost her arm, right?"

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