Chapter 6: Battles of Will

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Chapter 6: Battles of Will

Throughout the night, Medusa remained perched on the roof gazing at the full moon in a somber silence. Although she was observing the surrounding area for any potential intruders, she also had a lot on her mind. So much had happened yesterday that she wanted to take some time to think about it. She had anticipated a battle against Caren and Connla, not that she would wind up allying with them. She still harbored a great number of doubts regarding who they were and what they were after. Still, Medusa's loyalty to Sakura took precedence over her personal feelings, so she kept her opinions to herself and went along with whatever her Master wished.

As the cold breeze swayed her hair, she heard a pair of small feet hit the rooftop, followed by Connla's genteel voice as she asked, "Is the coast clear?"

"Yes. No hostiles have been detected."

"All right. Sorry for bothering you."

The girl was about to hop back down to ground level, but Medusa suddenly blurted, "A moment, if you would."


"Tell me, Lancer. Are you truly not after the Holy Grail?"

Connla grew curious from hearing such a question. She replied, "I already told you and Ms. Matou, didn't I? The Grail causes so much tragedy that the wish it grants isn't worth it."

"Even so, you humans still covet it. I find it hard to believe that you would turn your back to such a miracle. If there was a chance, however improbable it may be, wouldn't you want to reach out and grasp that opportunity to make your dreams come true?"

The girl somberly clasped her hands and fervently shook her head. Without hesitation, she murmured, "I couldn't do it. I'd feel like I was stepping all over those who suffered and toiled in vain for the same prize. If I took that away from them, I'd feel like I could never forgive myself for denying them that chance."

"How pretentious. So you're saying that rather than use the wish yourself, you would instead erase it so that the opportunity never existed in the first place. Wouldn't that be as equally disappointing to those who lost their chance?"

Connla twiddled her fingers hesitantly. "I know what you're saying... I truly do... Those really are the only two paths open to anyone who knows about the Grail. But the thing is... The Grail is... No, I'd better not say anything."

"What is it?" Medusa wondered.

"I was just babbling to myself. Pay no mind to it."

The Rider's lips tightened in vexation. "I knew it. You're hiding something."

The child Servant looked away anxiously and moaned, "I'm sorry..."

"Tell me what it is."


Medusa grew frustrated with the young Lancer's persistent silence. Even so, she could tell that whatever secret Connla was hiding, it had to be excruciating for her to keep it bottled up. Medusa sensed that the pressure was putting a great strain on her fellow Servant, and her inquiries seemed to be forcing open that wound even further. She decided to stop pressing the girl and said, "Let me ask you something else then. Do you not have some selfish desire you are pursuing? Isn't there something you want to gain from all of this?"

"What I want? I already said that-"

"Yes, I know. You want to avenge your fallen Master. But that is someone else's desire that you are fulfilling on their behalf. I am asking what it is you want. If it is something that you don't need the Grail for, then what is it that you are after in this war?"

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