Chapter 18: Clash of Souls part 2

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Chapter 18: Clash of Souls part 2


"Hah... hah... uuh..."

Connla appeared visibly strained as she slept in the infirmary. She was experiencing the battle in Fuyuki Church firsthand, and while she really wasn't feeling any physical pain, the stress of witnessing her other self being battered so badly had a negative influence on her. Beads of sweat rolled off her forehead and cheeks, which Cuchulainn Caster had to keep dabbing off with a damp cloth. He continued linking his Spirit Origin with hers, but he was starting to show signs of fatigue. Fortunately, Cuchulainn Lancer arrived immediately when Caster informed him of the change in Connla's condition.

"What's going on here?" Lancer wondered as he held his daughter's hand and established a connection between their Spirit Origins.

Caster gasped as he severed his link and sat back. "There's nothing wrong with her physically, but whatever she's dreaming about must be pretty damn terrifying for her."

"Think we should tell Nightingale?"

"Maybe. That woman will go crazy if she finds out the sheets are this saturated with sweat."

"Then I'll give the kid a bath. Go get Nightingale in the meantime."

Caster left to find the nurse, while Lancer carried Connla to the bathtub and washed her up. She continued breathing hard the entire time, and she was so dehydrated that he needed to give her multiple glasses of water. It bothered him that no matter how hard he called out to her, she would not respond whatsoever.

"Shit... You really are in a different world right now, aren't you?" Lancer cursed.

He heard the door creak open slightly, and he looked back expecting to see Nightingale or Caster. However, he jolted when he heard a burly fellow's voice declare, "Yo. Long time so see, Setanta."



Fuyuki Church

Within the rising plumes of misty smoke, several green flashes lit up the area like a spectacular light-show. Rin had used some of her gems to erect shields that blocked Medea's magic shots. When the temporary barrier dissipated, the Servent merely smirked and fired again.

"Acht!" Rin cried out and tossed more magic stones that broke to release their magic, generating another barrier. Medea's plan wasn't to kill Rin instantly. She wanted to make the girl realize how hopelessly outmatched she was, and then crush her the moment Rin was lost in despair. To that end, Medea would just keep using her lasers until Rin ran out of gems to sacrifice.

"Fu fu," Medea giggled. "Your struggling is entertaining, at the very least. I wonder how long you can last like this, though."

She unleashed another spell, and Rin leapt back while tossing more stones and shouting, "Sieben!"

Another barrier guarded her from the attack, and the sorceress murmured, "Oh my. You're fending my attacks completely. Unfortunately for you, you're wasting so many of your precious gems trying to protect your comrades. If you give up on them though, you can make do with protecting yourself instead."

Rin knew that was the case. Medea's magic covered such a wide range that she had no choice but to use her gems in a wasteful fashion. Even so, she refused to allow Shirou, Connla and Caren to be caught in the blast. She was certain that Soichirou was protecting, but the others would be destroyed if she didn't protect them.

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